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Pritzker admin already planning on going after registered guns?


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On 8/24/2023 at 10:13 AM, crufflesmuth said:


Any other violation of Protect Illinois Communites is a Class A Misdemeanor. That's on Page 66; lines 6-7. Most of the felonies come in for people who make, purchase, deliver and possess. That's going to be a really difficult for ISP to enforce.


Looking at most of the felony charges, these are based on people who try buying/bringing firearms across the state lines.

If you "knowingly" purchased something, it's a felony. 


So you're essentially working with defending yourself against Class A Misdemeanor charges. That's nothing.

People get charged with DUI's to enhance speeding ticket violations and those cases are generally tossed 

later due to lack of evidence. 


Nobody will become a felon. The first person to get arrested with a Class A Misdemeanor will have no 

criminal record and seeking dismissal based on Bruen applied. 


Make the state earn it's prosecution. Don't enable them. Today it's a Class A Misdemeanor; tomorrow it could

be a felony. It's easier to defend yourself in court by NOT registering. 


Thanks for clarifying, I don't think anyone want's to "GO FIRST". More than likely it will be an actual criminal that does, if they decide to try that drug dealing gang banger with a normal mag with a switch on it.


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If a person just has their AR-15 sitting in their locker, on private property collecting dust, it's easier to defend NOT registering. 


They need to prove WHEN a possesed weapon was purchased and delivered. Otherwise, pursuing a felony is a waste for them.


Unless they're going for FTIP; FOID transaction number. It's possible. But lengthy. 


The penalty for not registering is non-existant. If prohibited items are possessed on private property, it becomes

impossible for this to be enforced. 



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/5/2023 at 10:37 AM, steveTA84 said:


You can read how they may go about enforcing things.

This is the link on the link on the ISP site under how will this be enforced. They may try to coordinate with local LE.


Number 8


   (8) The Task Force shall collaborate with local law enforcement agencies to enforce provisions of the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act, the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, the Firearm Dealer License Certification Act, and Article 24 of the Criminal Code of 2012.


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On 9/5/2023 at 12:13 PM, mab22 said:


You can read how they may go about enforcing things.

This is the link on the link on the ISP site under how will this be enforced. They may try to coordinate with local LE.


Number 8


Is that the point where all the county sheriffs and States' Attorneys who said they won't enforce anything unconstitutional point to the CA7 and ILSC rulings that say PICA isn't unconstitutional?

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This is an image of I believe German law enforcement on patrol with the SS. You can see it on the second video of the link. Image at end of post.
I think we need to make a distinction between LE, and Nazi’s. 
There is a whole article on how the police needed to be be “natzified”. 

Maybe we should talk to local LE and see if they are familiar with the programs offered. 
LE Program   https://www.ushmm.org/outreach-programs/law-enforcement

In the first video on page the question for law enforcement is asked, is it about enforcing the law or the constitution.




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On 9/5/2023 at 11:36 PM, mab22 said:

This is an image of I believe German law enforcement on patrol with the SS. You can see it on the second video of the link. Image at end of post.
I think we need to make a distinction between LE, and Nazi’s. 
There is a whole article on how the police needed to be be “natzified”. 

Maybe we should talk to local LE and see if they are familiar with the programs offered. 
LE Program   https://www.ushmm.org/outreach-programs/law-enforcement

In the first video on page the question for law enforcement is asked, is it about enforcing the law or the constitution.




Soon enough we'll see which members of the LE community honor their oath and which ones become the Nazi / Stasi / KGB and go after law abiding citizens who for the most part support LE. Hopefully all the Sheriffs will continue their promise to NOT enforce this garbage. As far as the Illinois State Police I notice they're coming up with plans for law abiding gun owners. If they want to do some "enforcement" of gun laws maybe they should be be looking for gang members with no FOID card, Glock switches, etc.

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On 9/6/2023 at 9:14 AM, G214me said:

Soon enough we'll see which members of the LE community honor their oath and which ones become the Nazi / Stasi / KGB and go after law abiding citizens who for the most part support LE. Hopefully all the Sheriffs will continue their promise to NOT enforce this garbage. As far as the Illinois State Police I notice they're coming up with plans for law abiding gun owners. If they want to do some "enforcement" of gun laws maybe they should be be looking for gang members with no FOID card, Glock switches, etc.

As we have seen time and time again most will side with their paychecks/pensions...........prepare accordingly. 

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On 9/6/2023 at 11:22 AM, yurimodin said:

As we have seen time and time again most will side with their paychecks/pensions...........prepare accordingly. 

I think it's more complicated than that. When I was active, it came down more to who knew their duty and obligation lay with the US Constitution, and those who thought an order is an order and I have to obey it. It was a matter of understanding your oath or not, and typically it was the younger officers who had heard a lot less about the Constitution in school who fell into the latter category.  

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On 9/6/2023 at 7:22 PM, AO39 said:

I think it's more complicated than that. When I was active, it came down more to who knew their duty and obligation lay with the US Constitution, and those who thought an order is an order and I have to obey it. It was a matter of understanding your oath or not, and typically it was the younger officers who had heard a lot less about the Constitution in school who fell into the latter category.  

Do you think it is worth bringing up the Law Enforcement program at the Holocaust museum to local law enforcement, or politely inquiring with the Chief if they participate in it?

Im sure it’s a delicate conversation.

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On 9/6/2023 at 7:40 PM, mab22 said:

Do you think it is worth bringing up the Law Enforcement program at the Holocaust museum to local law enforcement, or politely inquiring with the Chief if they participate in it?

Im sure it’s a delicate conversation.

There would be nothing remotely delicate in that conversation in any law enforcement agency I've ever worked with.  

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Hey Steve, 


Lol, why am I not the least bit surprised by your threads opening post? The only thing I have doubts on is the fact that JB may wait for the next big shooting to get the ball rolling on this. Frankly I expect it as soon as registration is over. I'm so frustrated with everything that's been going on in Springfield. 

I really wanna up and move ASAP. The problem is, all the homes we've been looking at in free states have gone up so much more than our home here it's silly. Ours has gone up nicely, so I'm not complaining, (except for the ridiculous real estate taxes we pay) At first it looked like we were actually going to get some good bang for our buck in Tn. or Ky. That's simply no longer the case. Home prices where we've been looking have skyrocketed. The real estate taxes down in both states are so inexpensive compared to here, it's mind blowing. 


I had a lot of confidence in the fact that we would prevail based on logical Constitutional law. So far I've been dead wrong on all counts. I'm not sure where Mr. Tom Devore and his clients stand now. I did hear him mention that since the Il. Supreme Court ruled on Caulkins, his stay could be stopped at any moment, per his own words. Anyway, I hope all you folks are healthy and doing well. Have a good week ahead all.


Frustrated and crusty old guy JDW :) 


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On 9/10/2023 at 11:59 PM, JDW said:

I'm not sure where Mr. Tom Devore and his clients stand now. I did hear him mention that since the Il. Supreme Court ruled on Caulkins, his stay could be stopped at any moment, per his own words.


This is the case.  The TROs were dissolved by the court that issued them and the case dismissed shortly after the IL Supreme Court ruling.

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On 9/11/2023 at 12:09 AM, Upholder said:


This is the case.  The TROs were dissolved by the court that issued them and the case dismissed shortly after the IL Supreme Court ruling.

Thanks for the update Upholder. That stinks, but it went as Mr. D. thought it might after Caulkins. I still regret not being a plantiff. Dumb move on my part. Sorry guys. Geeze we need some positive news

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On 9/11/2023 at 12:09 AM, Upholder said:


This is the case.  The TROs were dissolved by the court that issued them and the case dismissed shortly after the IL Supreme Court ruling.

Devore is currently working on motion to reconsider and it will be submitted this month. No doubt he will go to the appeals court if necessary. 
Keep in mind the state said he Devore case WAS different then the Caulkins case. 
So we shall see what happens. 

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I have a feeling they (The ISP) has a good feel for who has banned firearms and has not registered them by the end of January. I'd guess we'll see a couple very high profile people subjected to felony "test cases" to show us they mean business. People *will* go to jail on this stuff. Mark my words. 



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On 9/21/2023 at 1:02 PM, Vodoun da Vinci said:

I have a feeling they (The ISP) has a good feel for who has banned firearms and has not registered them by the end of January. I'd guess we'll see a couple very high profile people subjected to felony "test cases" to show us they mean business. People *will* go to jail on this stuff. Mark my words. 




And none of those arrested will be the mind-altered zombies that are already known to the psych profession and law enforcement - the pool of whackos likely to be the next mass shooters. Because idiots believe "it's the gun".    

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On 9/21/2023 at 1:02 PM, Vodoun da Vinci said:

I have a feeling they (The ISP) has a good feel for who has banned firearms and has not registered them by the end of January. I'd guess we'll see a couple very high profile people subjected to felony "test cases" to show us they mean business. People *will* go to jail on this stuff. Mark my words. 



How would they know?

That would require them to keep a record of all the NICS checks that they do.

Not that I don't suspect that they keep all those records on the side, that would validate many foil hats!

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On 9/21/2023 at 4:07 PM, mab22 said:

How would they know?

That would require them to keep a record of all the NICS checks that they do.

Not that I don't suspect that they keep all those records on the side, that would validate many foil hats!


The background check only includes the type of firearm, (rifle, shotgun, handgun, muzzleloader, etc), not the make, model, or serial number. They will have to start manually inspecting 4473's in order to be sure. When we hear of that happening, then we will know its going down.

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On 9/21/2023 at 4:28 PM, countyline said:


The background check only includes the type of firearm, (rifle, shotgun, handgun, muzzleloader, etc), not the make, model, or serial number. They will have to start manually inspecting 4473's in order to be sure. When we hear of that happening, then we will know its going down.

What makes you so sure they have to go FFL to FFL to get the data and they don't already have it?

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On 9/21/2023 at 4:28 PM, countyline said:


 When we hear of that happening, then we will know its going down.

I don't think we will hear about it happening. I predict we will see a few dozen hand chosen "suspects" singled out and prosecuted for retaining unregistered/Illegal Evil Black Rifles and hung up to dry in "Test Cases" which even if they prevail in court will cost them tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to retain their freedom. I think the whole point of this PICA thing is to create Felons out of honset tax paying citizens who possess what is now considered to be contraband. The language and convoluted verbiage is deliberate. Proponents of PICA want to destroy the financial stability of those who resist. If you register, the registration will be hacked and The List distributed to people who will come to yer home at 3 am and call you out, dox you, destroy you for owning these type of firearms. 


If you don't register or fail to grasp the multitude of silly crap verbiage the ISP will make an example of you. They want our guns in the dirt and they don't care if model citizens get liquidated by legal fees or convoluted rhetoric. They want obedience and fear. And if we resist the nails that stand up *will* be pounded down. Where is the Supreme Court on this issue? 




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