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Caulkins v Prizker Case Discussion


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On 12/4/2023 at 12:54 PM, Dumak_from_arfcom said:


Well what options does the state really have in filing a response?  Deny the judges campaigned with anti-gun groups for an AWB, and took money from those groups to get elected?    


That would be worse than scrubbing their social media accounts of the evidence.  


This is just the Illinois way of saying "We did nothing wrong" while holding the smoking gun. 


I think we REALLY need to make sure the PROPER people get credit for this. 

It is the LEFT WING DEMOCRAT PARTY, not the State that is doing this. 
LEFT WING Democrat: Governor, Speaker of the house, President of the senate, States attorney, Supreme Court Justice Rochford, Supreme Court Justice O’Brien. Add in the major sponsors and and they are ALL DEMOCRATS.


I guarantee you the praetorian guard media would be pointing out EVERY INCH of the way that all parties “were Republicans”, if it’s an issue they were ticked off over. 
So lets make sure that we give credit where it’s DUE, the Left wing radical DEMOCRAT party of Illinois is doing this, not Illinois!


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On 12/4/2023 at 5:59 PM, steveTA84 said:


Nothing to see here, just some Democrats rolling dirty, as usual.

We will see if SCOTUS gives 2 💩💩.


Now I think we know why the left Wing Democrat party didn’t want to reply to the filing, they are hiding more and it wasn’t above board. Like Stocks said, you have to fully disclose and without being misleading. 

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I hope they look to the constitution. The other side is going to go after them no matter what.... 


It matters not, which case they hear, there are no passes, the left will attack no matter, unless they rule with the leftists. If they wait the degradation of stature, and respect will only increase. 


The SC showed us their chops, ruling correctly on Roe... I choose to wait and see.





Edited by John Q Public
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On 12/6/2023 at 3:17 PM, John Q Public said:

I hope they look to the constitution. The other side is going to go after them no matter what.... 


It matters not, which case they hear, there are no passes, the left will attack no matter, unless they rule with the leftists. If they wait the degradation of stature, and respect will only increase. 


The SC showed us their chops, ruling correctly on Roe... I choose to wait and see.





Point 1: Once they figure out there is no peace with the left they might finally grow a spine. The left demands nothing less than absolute submission to their statist jihad.


Point 2: Never forget the talent Roberts has for screwing us (remember 0-care)

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On 12/6/2023 at 3:17 PM, John Q Public said:

I hope they look to the constitution. The other side is going to go after them no matter what.... 


It matters not, which case they hear, there are no passes, the left will attack no matter, unless they rule with the leftists. If they wait the degradation of stature, and respect will only increase. 


The SC showed us their chops, ruling correctly on Roe... I choose to wait and see.






The conservatives on the Court have shown a willingness. Hopefully that continues.

Edited by springfield shooter
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On 12/8/2023 at 12:02 PM, Matt B said:

I guess if scotus denies the Bevis motion purely because that case is not before that court yet on final judgement, this gives them another vehicle to reinstate the injunction. 

It’s a potential option. And the supplemental brief is great. Just in case anyone didn’t read it, guess who was defending Harmon?




remember him?



A political committee that helped expand the Democratic majority on the Illinois Supreme Court and was backed by Illinois Senate President Don Harmon emptied its bank account just weeks after being notified it faced one of the largest state election fines ever for failing to timely disclose millions of dollars it spent until after last November’s election.

On Tuesday, the State Board of Elections issued a final order assessing $99,500 in fines against the All for Justice political action committee. The action followed a Tribune story earlier this year detailing the PAC’s reporting deficiencies as it spent more than $7.3 million on independent expenditures supporting Democratic Justices Elizabeth Rochford and Mary Kay O’Brien, both of whom won their campaigns and increased the court’s Democratic majority to 5-2 from a previous 4-3 advantage.



A day before All for Justice transferred its remaining cash to the Chicago Independent Alliance PAC, the alliance PAC also received a $200 donation from the Andreou & Casson law firm. It was the first contribution the alliance PAC had received in more than 4 ½ years.

State election board officials said they moved forward with a final order to assess the fines against All for Justice — despite its empty bank account — by citing a provision in its administrative rules that makes the officers of a PAC “personally liable” for civil penalties if the PAC “lends or donates funds to a second political committee” while it owes fines to the State Board of Elections.

Casson is the only officer of the All for Justice PAC, according to state election records.



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On 12/8/2023 at 12:07 PM, steveTA84 said:

It’s a potential option. And the supplemental brief is great. Just in case anyone didn’t read it, guess who was defending Harmon?




remember him?



A political committee that helped expand the Democratic majority on the Illinois Supreme Court and was backed by Illinois Senate President Don Harmon emptied its bank account just weeks after being notified it faced one of the largest state election fines ever for failing to timely disclose millions of dollars it spent until after last November’s election.

On Tuesday, the State Board of Elections issued a final order assessing $99,500 in fines against the All for Justice political action committee. The action followed a Tribune story earlier this year detailing the PAC’s reporting deficiencies as it spent more than $7.3 million on independent expenditures supporting Democratic Justices Elizabeth Rochford and Mary Kay O’Brien, both of whom won their campaigns and increased the court’s Democratic majority to 5-2 from a previous 4-3 advantage.



A day before All for Justice transferred its remaining cash to the Chicago Independent Alliance PAC, the alliance PAC also received a $200 donation from the Andreou & Casson law firm. It was the first contribution the alliance PAC had received in more than 4 ½ years.

State election board officials said they moved forward with a final order to assess the fines against All for Justice — despite its empty bank account — by citing a provision in its administrative rules that makes the officers of a PAC “personally liable” for civil penalties if the PAC “lends or donates funds to a second political committee” while it owes fines to the State Board of Elections.

Casson is the only officer of the All for Justice PAC, according to state election records.




Wait. So if this makes it to a hearing he could be asked by the justices to explain his actions on the record? 

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On 12/8/2023 at 4:01 PM, davel501 said:


Wait. So if this makes it to a hearing he could be asked by the justices to explain his actions on the record? 

I honestly don’t know. The levels of corruption on every level of government in this case makes it all so confusing, especially since the AG waived their chance to respond 

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On 12/8/2023 at 5:01 PM, steveTA84 said:

I honestly don’t know. The levels of corruption on every level of government in this case makes it all so confusing, especially since the AG waived their chance to respond 


So we have had 3 Guv's get orange jumpuits, Maybe the prez of the senate and or the speaker of the house will be "firsts" when it comes to "other then gov" getting an orange jumpsuit....


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On 12/11/2023 at 2:40 AM, davel501 said:

They just locked down their socials. 


Looks like money flowing back to the usual gun grabbers. Have to wonder what this post was about. Seems to be blocked on the Wayback machine. 





Interesting. It’s set to private now. Was that via a Google search or wayback machine. Either way, they weren’t always private that shows 

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On 12/10/2023 at 9:53 PM, steveTA84 said:

Oh wow lol. So Rochford’s campaign, 6 months after being seated, transferred money to a local Dem party




it was one of the “top donors” to the party, in which the treasurer is sitting state rep Daniel Didech. This is just a joke at this point 😂😂😂😂


I'm getting lost with all this....

So what does this mean?

Who is he?

What did he do?


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On 12/11/2023 at 9:18 AM, mab22 said:

I'm getting lost with all this....

So what does this mean?

Who is he?

What did he do?



You are watching the money get spread around in real time. The Vernon (Hills) Township Dems now have this money and can spread it to other campaign committees to do things like rewarding Eric Rinehart for charging Crimo Sr. 

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On 12/11/2023 at 10:42 AM, mab22 said:

Even more confusing . 
“what money”?


On 12/10/2023 at 9:53 PM, steveTA84 said:

Oh wow lol. So Rochford’s campaign, 6 months after being seated, transferred money to a local Dem party




it was one of the “top donors” to the party, in which the treasurer is sitting state rep Daniel Didech. This is just a joke at this point 😂😂😂😂



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