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Comped firearms classes at GAT for journalists and politicians


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It bears mention that GAT Guns in East Dundee has an official policy to comp Introductory-type firearms classes to any politician or recognized journalist.

We, as Excel Training, are part of that and we have indeed had a good number of both kinds of participants go through our Introduction to Handguns Class.  This includes some private lessons as well.  

We recall a few years ago having a columnist from a well-known national monthly come for a private- too apprehensive for being in a public class- and we wound up very nearly creating a firearms enthusiast.  Quite a few more rounds went downrange in GAT's excellent training range that one would have expected.

The process would be to have the politician or journalist contact GAT management, preferably the General Manager, and ask to be included as a comped student.

The goal is to give these people a more accurate, real-life exposure to firearms.

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On 2/3/2023 at 6:36 AM, cherryriver said:

It bears mention that GAT Guns in East Dundee has an official policy to comp Introductory-type firearms classes to any politician or recognized journalist.

We, as Excel Training, are part of that and we have indeed had a good number of both kinds of participants go through our Introduction to Handguns Class.  This includes some private lessons as well.  

We recall a few years ago having a columnist from a well-known national monthly come for a private- too apprehensive for being in a public class- and we wound up very nearly creating a firearms enthusiast.  Quite a few more rounds went downrange in GAT's excellent training range that one would have expected.

The process would be to have the politician or journalist contact GAT management, preferably the General Manager, and ask to be included as a comped student.

The goal is to give these people a more accurate, real-life exposure to firearms.

This is excellent but I don't see that on their website the REALLY should so there's link we can share. 

I do lots of websites for collectors organizations that gets me a press pass at the NRA show, that be real cool. 

I have no direct contact at GAT if someone does please relay they need this on their web.  (or drop a pointer here) 

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Thanks for the offer but the preference is that it's not fully public (to avoid abuse) and is handled on a more face-to-face, person-to-person basis.  

It seems to have been working well enough that way.  You would recognize some of the names but it's generally not publicized, as you can understand.

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