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Illinois Dems Target "Assault Weapons", Age of Gun Owners


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On 12/9/2022 at 12:15 PM, Raygun F said:

In case you missed it...


Richard Pearson: Challenges to Pritzker’s Proposed Assault Weapon Ban

Dec 8, 2022 | rwoodall

John Howell is joined by Richard Pearson, Executive Director of the Illinois State Rifle Association. Pritzker has proposed an assault weapons ban, and it is likely to face legal challenges. Pearson and Howell discuss the different pieces of the proposal and how Pearson plans to challenge each of them.

Seems to me like when you have an audience like this you would want to at a minimum.


1) Actually mention the Bruen decision and quickly explain this “resets” 2a cases and invalidates previous decisions upholding AWB


2) Mention that the magazine ban makes immediate felons of most Illinois handgun owners

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On 12/9/2022 at 9:22 AM, crufflesmuth said:



You're not a Catholic if you support enabling the police state, which this bill does - you're a Vatican II secularist, heretic and should

be excommunicado..


Semi-auto ban? We need to respond to lies with truth: it's a right, and a right does not need justification. 


Like the DUI laws, once passed: the Assault Weapon Ban statute will be abused by the worst police against the best people. Some might turn a blind eye; a large

plurality will justify engaging in abusive behavior by the mere words, "I could lose my job". 


I'm confident in the litigation. The landscape has changed. California's handgun roster is going up in flames. The magazine and cosmetic feature bans are facing

increased scrutiny in states like Connecticut and Deleware. And when this law is challeneged, Don Harmon and Welch won't have the luxury of weighing it against

a municipal ordinance - it will be weighed against ALL the precedents being set, in addition to Bruen. 


The reality is progressives have redefined culture. They've made millennials into children, who are free - but not free and independent. People have very little to live for. Progressives destroyed community, with their immigration policies, which is why police can get away with more than in the past. Why do we have school shootings? because progressives, like conservatives have no limits on brutality: forgot to renew your driver's license? you're being arrested and charged and treated just like a hardened criminal.


Forgot to signal and cut a police car off? you're spending 3+ months out on bail and defending yourself against a person who never loses their job - with limited promise of justice. When you have these policies in place, you're incentivizing a cycle of destruction.


Our culture is so focused on LGBTQ+ and racial politics, men don't feel they have a say. Even worse, men don't feel they can have healthy relationships with women. If we want to reduce violence, we need to acknowledge sexuality and sexual identity. Legalizing prostitution does more to stop violence than this bill does. Looking at suburban culture, it's transiant. Nobody grows up in a neighborhood anymore - they either live in Chicago or they become an alumni of a transiant university community. 


The police state apparatus is in place, all they need to do is take the guns.

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..they told you, the spread could be stopped if we ONLY shut down for 14 days..


..they told you, the economy would return to normal, once EVERYONE got vaccinated..


..they told you, you weren't fully "vaccinated" unless you had two booster shots..


..they required essential worker letters for people to travel..


..they listed who was "essential" and who wasn't..


..if the police weren't complicit, the government betrayed it's most productive 

people: business owners..


What have people learned during this pandemic? The law doesn't exist; political popularity does.

The police will abuse you, whether that's with fines for your business not forcing people to wear

a mask; or DUI charges. You're not really free.


Civil Disobedience is the only way to change the culture. My eyes have been opened. If you 

don't do what they tell you, and there is a sizeable pluarlity, they back down and stand down..


..if the police can get a person to pay $30-500 at an adjudicative administrative hearing,

the people can hold onto a few magazines and scary rifle..if you're going to never lose your

job, and be an empowered agent of the state..the sad people paying your salary and retirement

deserve that much..


..every member of law enforcement needs to ask themself: what am I enabling, even if I'm not affected?


It's not just these arbitrary bans on capacity, cosmetic features.. it's the government making people 

100% dependent on it's abusive agents, that is the issue. Especially in light of the lockdowns and

proof of vaccination. 


People like Morrison, Welch and Harmon, they're wealthy people who fear that one day, poor

armed mobs will terroize them, like Romanians did during their revolution. It's never about 

children, lives or safety .. it's always about wealthy and political elites keeping themselves

safe from the people they continue to abuse through their agents and policy.


Until we reform emergency powers, this state and the anti-violence movement have

no good faith to argue on..


..if the states agents have qualified immunity and license to just mess with people, the 

people ought to have access to these firearms, because if they don't, the police will

end up 100% worse - because when you know someone can't fight back and you

have isolated them, it's easier to abuse them..and we can't have that happen..

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On 12/9/2022 at 4:02 PM, EdDinIL said:

An understandable position, but I hope they don't cancel the 12/15 hearing on the 13th after the pro-2A groups have committed to the later hearing.

I’m a gambler, and I’d wager heavily that they will cancel it. These are scumbag politicians that want to advance this at all costs and not give opposition a chance to actually debate/present their case. We’ll see if I “lose that bet” soon enough 

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On 12/9/2022 at 4:02 PM, EdDinIL said:

An understandable position, but I hope they don't cancel the 12/15 hearing on the 13th after the pro-2A groups have committed to the later hearing.


If they hope to get the bill on the calendar they'll have to have at least one more hearing.  So far all they've scheduled is subject matter which doesn't move it anywhere.  We'll have our say.

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On 12/9/2022 at 12:52 PM, Matt B said:

Seems to me like when you have an audience like this you would want to at a minimum.


1) Actually mention the Bruen decision and quickly explain this “resets” 2a cases and invalidates previous decisions upholding AWB


2) Mention that the magazine ban makes immediate felons of most Illinois handgun owners


Anyone who deals with media or the courts has got to be able to think on their feet and get  points out in a clear and concise manner.  The media will always try to turn the debate into something it is not.  Liberal judges speak from an emotional basis that makes up their truth.  Pearson should have just hammered Bruen over and over.  There is no more balancing the concerns of the state when it comes to the 2nd amendment. 


As for the courts and Sigale.  It is ALWAYS about the strength of the oral argument.  If it wasn't then judges and juries would just consider written statements.  There is no room for someone who can't keep their thoughts in order and present the facts and arguments without tripping themselves up.  If that ruffles some feathers here, so be it.     


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On 12/9/2022 at 6:13 PM, Dumak_from_arfcom said:


Anyone who deals with media or the courts has got to be able to think on their feet and get  points out in a clear and concise manner.  The media will always try to turn the debate into something it is not.  Liberal judges speak from an emotional basis that makes up their truth.  Pearson should have just hammered Bruen over and over.  There is no more balancing the concerns of the state when it comes to the 2nd amendment. 


As for the courts and Sigale.  It is ALWAYS about the strength of the oral argument.  If it wasn't then judges and juries would just consider written statements.  There is no room for someone who can't keep their thoughts in order and present the facts and arguments without tripping themselves up.  If that ruffles some feathers here, so be it.     


I had hope that this episode would be a turning point for the ISRA, but this interview confirms that Pearson is the wrong man for the moment. 

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On 12/9/2022 at 12:52 PM, Matt B said:

Seems to me like when you have an audience like this you would want to at a minimum.


1) Actually mention the Bruen decision and quickly explain this “resets” 2a cases and invalidates previous decisions upholding AWB


2) Mention that the magazine ban makes immediate felons of most Illinois handgun owners

^ This ^ Having Richard Pearson and the ISRA on the case brings me no comfort.

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I spoke to Richard Pearson a while ago. Asked why they did not push back harder in these fights. “We don’t have the numbers to be effective and want to still be in the discussions at the table with the legislators.Hoping to moderate some of the thinking creating these restrictions”. Spoke as someone who knows he’s pushing a bolder up hill. It was a very disheartening discussion.

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Couple of things. 1 it is no longer time to accept table scraps for being at the table. We should flip the table over. 


Things like being at the table are what got us the new registration scheme on the private transfer page with state police. 


Yesterday I participated in a long conference call on legal strategies with a couple of groups. Two things are musts. They control the litigation and they have control over local counsel. 


the things Dumak mentioned and ILguy said have not gone unnoticed by others.



With regards to 5855 there are two schools of thought 1 the House wants it right now. It looks like the Senate was not consulted about some of these matters.


With the Governor's statements this week, they may be running into more opposition than they thought. And they may move on some of the issues in the bill, I am not going to detail all the things I see in the bill to give them a better roadmap to build a ban. So thats why you won;t see my normal breakdown. I'd rather tell a court about how bad it is. I have shared a few of these with Molly. I can't wait to see their faces when they read the pleadings. 


another option is that the governor wants to run from president, and wants a semi-auto ban law in is pocket to do so be the great conquer. So let it go in the next session, pass it then sign it right before the 1 year anniversary of highland Park for the PR and optic value. At that point I would take the bill in lame duck as they won't have months to figure it out

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On 12/10/2022 at 6:39 AM, lilguy said:

I spoke to Richard Pearson a while ago. Asked why they did not push back harder in these fights. “We don’t have the numbers to be effective and want to still be in the discussions at the table with the legislators.Hoping to moderate some of the thinking creating these restrictions”. Spoke as someone who knows he’s pushing a bolder up hill. It was a very disheartening discussion.

Its thinking like that that screwed us with the FFL Dealers bill. 

Death by 1000 cuts is still  death 

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John Boch was on the radio and at least was able to articulate the Bruen decision better and hammer home why this bill is going to be struck down in the 7th circuit.


And he mentioned that the bill would make felons of handgun owners which I would think needs to be mentioned every step of the way here to energize movement among all gun owners against this. It’s way more than ar15s at stake here.



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On 12/10/2022 at 6:39 AM, lilguy said:

I spoke to Richard Pearson a while ago. Asked why they did not push back harder in these fights. “We don’t have the numbers to be effective and want to still be in the discussions at the table with the legislators.Hoping to moderate some of the thinking creating these restrictions”. Spoke as someone who knows he’s pushing a bolder up hill. It was a very disheartening discussion.

Having the legislators think ISRA represents all gun owners in Illinois needs to stop. Weak responses during interviews don't help. Iv'e never authorized Richard Pearson to sit down and make deals for what rights I get to keep.

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