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FOID/FCCL to be cancelled with move out of state


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So I'm out of here in December. I'll leave my FOID and FCCL with the local cops on the way out the door. Question. What happens then? Do they get "revoked"? If I ever needed to come back to Illinois (not planning this, but you know how life is) would I be able to apply for and receive a FOID, or would I have a revoked card in my history that would burn me going forward?

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There's also a follow up post in that thread (#22) that states this... I mailed them in on or about Nov 15.

Today I got snail mail from ISP stating:

This is to notify you that your Illinois Concealed Carry License is hereby CANCELLED for the following reason(s): Applicant contacted Firearms Services Bureau and advised that he/she moved out of state.

So obviously they received my CCL and FOID, and my cover letter stating that I had moved.

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So I'm out of here in December. I'll leave my FOID and FCCL with the local cops on the way out the door. Question. What happens then? Do they get "revoked"? If I ever needed to come back to Illinois (not planning this, but you know how life is) would I be able to apply for and receive a FOID, or would I have a revoked card in my history that would burn me going forward?


When you apply for a DL in your new state they will cancel your IL DL with the ISP.

That I turn triggers the ISP to cancel your FOID& FCCL.


Sorry for all those abbreviations.

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So I'm out of here in December. I'll leave my FOID and FCCL with the local cops on the way out the door. Question. What happens then? Do they get "revoked"? If I ever needed to come back to Illinois (not planning this, but you know how life is) would I be able to apply for and receive a FOID, or would I have a revoked card in my history that would burn me going forward?


When you apply for a DL in your new state they will cancel your IL DL with the ISP.

That I turn triggers the ISP to cancel your FOID& FCCL.


Sorry for all those abbreviations.

My concern is the difference between revoked and canceled. Maybe I'm splitting hairs.
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So I'm out of here in December. I'll leave my FOID and FCCL with the local cops on the way out the door. Question. What happens then? Do they get "revoked"? If I ever needed to come back to Illinois (not planning this, but you know how life is) would I be able to apply for and receive a FOID, or would I have a revoked card in my history that would burn me going forward?


When you apply for a DL in your new state they will cancel your IL DL with the ISP.

That I turn triggers the ISP to cancel your FOID& FCCL.


Sorry for all those abbreviations.

Thats what is supposed to happen but it does not always. See the guys post who moved back to IL and his FOID still shows active. I think they added the canceled option earlier in the year after all the revoke hoopla.
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So I'm out of here in December. I'll leave my FOID and FCCL with the local cops on the way out the door. Question. What happens then? Do they get "revoked"? If I ever needed to come back to Illinois (not planning this, but you know how life is) would I be able to apply for and receive a FOID, or would I have a revoked card in my history that would burn me going forward?


When you apply for a DL in your new state they will cancel your IL DL with the ISP.

That I turn triggers the ISP to cancel your FOID& FCCL.


Sorry for all those abbreviations.



No that is not accurate


A lot of states do not notify other states

I have been in Arizona for over 2 years


All I had to do was show them my IL. D.L.

and proof of my address here ("light bill/cable bill")

Then I had a AZ. D.L.


My Foid and my D.L. are still active in Illinois

Arizona doesnt even take your out of state D.L. card when you get a AZ. D.L.


My CCl expired in March and it was still valid till then. I had been here 1 1/2 years by then



Just ran my foid card it is still active !!

Wanna sell me a gun ? :)

Edited by Warped
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Well, you can also find that the IL CCL gives you better reciprocity than, for example, Iowa next door. Take Minnesota, they recognize IL, but not resident IA or non-resident UT and AZ. Knuckleheads.


Bird76Mojo has the right attitude, at least philosophically. But. Maybe not practically. I will drive through this god forsaken state and even continue to work here, just not as a resident. Now that really sucks when it comes to CCL. IL recognizes nobody. Double knuckle heads.


National reciprocity.



and did someone write "permit to buy a pistol"?? WTH? I have never ever had to do that before, and in order to flee IL I'll have to step right into that??

Triple knuckleheads...

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and did someone write "permit to buy a pistol"?? WTH? I have never ever had to do that before..

North Carolina has racist old laws that require you to have the sheriff sell you a pistol purchase permit and certify you are of good character before you can buy a handgun. This was just like FOID as a scheme to deny a class if people if their rights.

The good news is that a NC carry permit negates the need for the permit. Rifles are cash and carry.

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I moved to Tennessee and did nothing with my IL cards. Threw them in a box I think. Have no plans of ever moving back, but if you did and your card is still active, it would save you the process of getting another. (If they let you apply in the future because of any new laws they come up with.)


I see no reason to tell IL anything, leave and don't look back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm still wondering if you guys who didn't cancel the cards have a nasty background check surprise waiting for you upon expiration of your old cards. Maybe some of you moved to real free states and it really doesn't matter. My new sheriff is the type that would use Illinois' report as reason to deny/revoke a local CCL.
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I'm still wondering if you guys who didn't cancel the cards have a nasty background check surprise waiting for you upon expiration of your old cards. Maybe some of you moved to real free states and it really doesn't matter. My new sheriff is the type that would use Illinois' report as reason to deny/revoke a local CCL.

TRJ - you're over thinking this -

You can't revoke an existing CCL in a state you're a resident in because my FOID card expires in IL. of which I am no longer a resident.


Further, there is no requirement for a former resident of the state of IL to cancel, or surrender a FOID. As a current non-resident, making the proper identification of my new residence, the card is no longer valid as soon as you are no longer a resident.


Illinois ability to control your life with firearms expires when you wave bye-bye and cross state lines with all your worldly belongings never to return.

IL can tax and harass whomever they like, it will not be those of us that have left the state.

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