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Cook Co. FOID numbers rising


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I know ive help add a few numbers to that list within the past month, and still got a few more asking for help.

Good stuff!!! Hopefully you’re educating them on what our opponents are trying to do as well


I have been. Slowly pushing them towards being more active (slow pushing has turned more to shoving in recent political climate) and getting them vocal and supporting organizations.

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While out-of-context quotations certainly happen,

think before and while speaking to the press.




“It’s very interesting the kinds of people we’re getting, said Daniel Conidi, a shooting instructor of more than 30 years and former federal agent. “A lot of professional people, doctors, lawyers.”


Paraphrased: "Normally we see Bubba, but now it's doctors and lawyers and regular people."



“A vast majority of legal gun owners never end up using it,”


Statements like this make it sound like we need a space for demonstrating a need.




“Not everyone is capable of carrying a firearm,”

Grrrrr Does he say that to the clients?
Maybe we need more proficiency tests. grrr.
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