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Sanctuary gun counties in Illinois


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The subject was brought to the floor at the April Clark County board meeting during public comments. One board member said he was supportive of a resolution but would like to hear from the people of Clark County. I have contacted every board member to voice my support and supplied them with a copy of Effingham County's resolution. I am planning on attending the May board meeting.

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So I guess they stand with the second amendment infringements that are already on the books but won’t enforce any further ones? These “sanctuary” counties should have taken a true stand and gone constitutional carry. To say they support the 2nd by not enforcing further laws is a little tongue and cheek. At least that is how I read the resolution.
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From one of the articles above


..."With the vote, Perry County becomes the fifth gun sanctuary county in the state joining Effingham, Iroquois, Jefferson, and Saline counties."...


I thought Jasper did too, so that would be 6. More on the way


..."The small towns in Mercer County could soon be a sanctuary for gun owners.


During a meeting last Tuesday County Board Member, Brian Anseeuw proposed a resolution for Mercer County to become a sanctuary county to protect gun owners rights.


The proposal is still in the beginning stages. Anseeuw is looking to adopt Effingham County's resolution as a template. They adopted a similar gun sanctuary resolution in April.


The Mercer County Board is expected to vote on the resolution sometime this summer."...

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Thanks. Would it be possible to modify one of these that has county names? This one is coded for a geologic survey thingy





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Would it work to pick a county and everyone send a request and a copy of what other counties are doing ? Maybe something nice saying we'd like to visit, spend money, maybe even move to a county that respects the Constitution and is run by Patriotic people. the worst that can happen is they don't respond.

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Way down south Wayne county should be easy, it's listed as one of the most Republican / conservative counties in America !!!! has voted R in every election since the mid 1800's. Next door is Edwards county which is very similar to Wayne. last Democrat they went for was JFK ( I think ).


That’d be my home. The Trib sent reporters down here pre-2016 election and again in late 17 to see what a red county actually looks like lol.


As far as the resolution, it’s been forwarded to a couple of county board members.

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Thanks. Would it be possible to modify one of these that has county names? This one is coded for a geologic survey thingy






I could add names to the my map if you like.

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Thanks. Would it be possible to modify one of these that has county names? This one is coded for a geologic survey thingy

I could add names to the my map if you like.

I thought it might be more useful and easier to follow if county names were on it. Just a suggestion.
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..."Such talk worries Kathleen Willis, a Democratic state representative from suburban Chicago who sponsored some of the gun legislation.


"I don't think you can say, 'I don't agree with the law so I won't enforce it,'" she said. "I think it sends the wrong message."...


Maybe it sends a message about the laws they are passing and how they are passing them!!!

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..."Such talk worries Kathleen Willis, a Democratic state representative from suburban Chicago who sponsored some of the gun legislation.

"I don't think you can say, 'I don't agree with the law so I won't enforce it,'" she said. "I think it sends the wrong message."...

Maybe it sends a message about the laws they are passing and how they are passing them!!!

She is such a hypocrite. I'm pretty sure she's ok with not enforcing the law when it comes to illegals. So being in support for Sanctuary cities for illegals is Ok but not for the Second Amendment.

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I created a template and added the county names.

Good work, Kevin. Please add Monroe to the map!


***Press Release***

May 7, 2018


I want to commend the Monroe County Board for voting today on making Monroe County a "Sanctuary County" for gun owners. I am proud of the County Board and stand firmly with them in support of our residents rights. The Sheriff's Department will not enforce any law that is deemed unconstituitional nor will we infringe on any residents Second Amendment! The following is the resolution that passed today in the County Board meeting.


Resolution opposing the passage of HB1465, HB1467, HB1468, HB1469, SB1657, any trailer bill, or any bill similar to, or any bill where the 100th Illinois General Assembly desires to restrict the Individual right of U. S. Citizens as protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.


WHEREAS, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms is guaranteed as an Individual Right under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and under the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and;


WHEREAS, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms for defense of Life, Liberty, and Property is regarded as an Inalienable Right by the People of Monroe County, and;


WHEREAS, the people of Monroe County, Illinois derive economic benefit from all safe forms of firearms recreation, hunting and shooting conducted within Monroe County using all types of firearms allowable under the United States Constitution, and;


WHEREAS, HB1465 is a violation of the 4th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution requiring responsible persons under 21 to surrender lawfully owned firearms or face becoming instant felons; fails to define how to relinquish firearms; only allows possession at the Sparta shooting complex, but fails to provide similar exemptions for recreational shooting at gun clubs, private ranges or under supervision of responsible adults or parents, unless certified as a firearms instructor;


WHEREAS, HB1467 is a violation of the 4th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution requiring persons to immediately relinquish lawfully owned bump stocks or trigger cranks, while also failing to provide where and how to relinquish firearms devices, thus creating instant felons upon passage;


WHEREAS, HB1468 contains broad and unclear definitions which will cause confusion amongst firearm owners and dealers as to which type of firearm is subject to 72-hour wait period; bans nonresidents from purchasing certain long guns defined loosely as assault weapons, puts dealers in jeopardy of unknowingly violating the law;


WHEREAS, HB1469 is a violation of the 4th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution requiring persons to immediately relinquish lawfully owned magazines, fails to provide how to properly relinquish banned magazines, creates instant felons if enacted as written, creates conflicts allowing for sale to out of state persons while stating possession is a felony, bans body armor worn as protection for those who employ the use of chain saws, motorcyclists, range officers and firearm instructors, shop owners and employees who work in dangerous neighborhoods or during night shifts;


WHEREAS, SB1657 and trailer bills will create economic hardship on lawfully owned and operated small business firearm dealerships, in effect forcing them to close; will create undue burdens and price increases on person to lawfully purchase firearms; will have a direct negative impact on local economies through job loss and sales tax loss; will create another layer of burdensome government regulation on top of the heavy Federal regulations; imposes new fees on top of existing Federal license fees;


WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners, being elected to represent the people of Monroe County, and being duly sworn by their Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and;


WHEREAS, the Illinois House of Representatives and the Illinois Senate, being elected by the People of the State of Illinois, and being duly sworn by their Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and;


WHEREAS, the Governor of Illinois, being elected to represent the People of the State of Illinois and being duly sworn by his Oath of Office to uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and;


WHEREAS, proposed legislation, any bills similar to, under consideration by the Illinois State Legislature would infringe the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and would ban the possession and use of firearms, magazines, body armor now employed by individual citizens of Monroe County, Illinois, for defense of Life, Liberty and Property, and would ban the possession and use of firearms now employed for safe forms of firearms recreation, hunting and shooting conducted within Monroe County, Illinois;


WHEREAS, the proposed legislation potentially violates the 5th Amendment failing to provide just compensation under the takings clause, 8th Amendment imposition against excessive fines and punishments on law abiding citizens by punitive forfeiture / relinquishment of lawfully owned property, and Ex Post Facto Law Clause of the United States Constitution.


NOW, THEREFORE, IT BE AND IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the People of Monroe County, Illinois, do hereby oppose the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the Right of the People to keep and bear arms and consider such laws to be unconstitutional and beyond lawful Legislative Authority.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Monroe County Board demands that the Illinois General Assembly cease further actions restricting the Right of the People to keep and bear arms, and hereby demand that the Governor of Illinois veto all such legislation which restricts the Right of the People to keep and bear arms.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of Monroe County, Illinois is hereby directed to prepare and deliver certified copies of this Resolution to all members of the Illinois General Assembly, and to the Office of the Governor.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the Government of the State of Illinois shall infringe upon the inalienable rights granted by the Second Amendment, Monroe County shall become a “Sanctuary County” for all firearms unconstitutionally prohibited by the government of the State of Illinois, in that, Monroe County will prohibit its employees from enforcing the unconstitutional actions of the State Government.


Sheriff Neal Rohlfing

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