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Going to Springfield March 7


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I've sent out an E-mail to everyone who has gone through my CCW class, asking them to go to Springfield with me on March 7 (it's the soonest I could get time off work) to lobby against the latest heap of garbage bills they're trying to pass. Not sure what kind of response I'll get, but I thought it might be good to put something on here. Maybe some of you could make it too? I'll be there for IGOLD in April, as well, not trying to upstage the ISRA or anyone else.....just looking for some backup.

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Whom are you lobbying to?


Not saying its a bad idea...


The Senate is not in session until the 13th. Will anyone be there to speak with you?


The House is back the 6th. Dont know about the calendar after that. During debate this week I thought one Rep said they would be out most of March when they were arguing about spending more time in session to get things right.

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I'm willing to take a couple of days off from work and come if I can talk with lawmakers like Bloomberg's moms and if it's productive. We're behind the 8 ball and need to organize now and should have been there with the moms to counter their lies. This is more important than igold and everything is at stake.
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