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FOID/Hunter Safety


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I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, but want to make sure. Got into a discussion with a younger coworker yesterday about CCW/FOID. This person claimed because of their age they had to go thru hunter safety prior to applying for a FOID. I told this person that was true for getting a hunting license but not for FOID. I just read thru the FOID Act and the FAQ's on the ISP website, and found nothing linking a FOID app to hunter safety.


I'm not missing something, am I?

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Hunter safety is not a requirement for FOID.

Perhaps one of his parents wanted him to take a firearm safety class and hunter safety was the easiest option. Dunno.

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You are correct. Hunter safety is not required for a FOID


Hunter safety is required to get a hunting license if you are born after 1980 : Who Must Take The Course

On January 1, 1996, a State law was passed that anyone born on or after January 1, 1980 may not be issued a hunting license unless he or she presents a valid Hunter Education Certificate of Competency issued by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Safety Education Division or another state..


I believe that there is some type of mentoring program on the IDNR site


A FOID is not required if an adult with a FOID is directly supervising the youth.


My son took his hunter safety at 10, and FOID at 12. He's 21 now

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There are people who aren't even old enough to walk who have FOID cards. Your coworker is mistaken.

Yep there is no age restriction on the FOID.

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you know it would be nice if public schools would teach this

Public schools teach rights, especially gun rights? Surely you jest!


P.S. The FOID is a violation of our rights but anywho...

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