TRJ Posted June 14, 2016 at 04:43 PM Share Posted June 14, 2016 at 04:43 PM She should be locked up as an accomplice. Lethal injection for her. Florida is still a capital punishment state right? And for those who say that she didn't have a choice.....if she was driving, she could have smashed the car into something. There's no excuse. Lethal injection would martyr her. Perhaps a lifetime of solitary confinement would be sufficient. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DD123 Posted June 14, 2016 at 04:50 PM Share Posted June 14, 2016 at 04:50 PM She should be locked up as an accomplice. Lethal injection for her. Florida is still a capital punishment state right? And for those who say that she didn't have a choice.....if she was driving, she could have smashed the car into something. There's no excuse.Lethal injection would martyr her. Perhaps a lifetime of solitary confinement would be sufficient. I'd be okay with that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoverGunner Posted June 14, 2016 at 04:51 PM Share Posted June 14, 2016 at 04:51 PM I have remained silent long enoughI do not know this for a fact so I am speculatingPerhaps it is just me but out of 500 +- people in the Club not 1 person had the BAL_S to rush the Nut Job .If your faced with death and chances are your going to Die MAN THE F___ up . Die like a man on your feet , not on your knees a coward . I truly believe he could have been taken down by just a few , but oh no run like cowards .As you can tell I have very little sympathy for their in actionsMore so in a bathroom with one or two entrances. You have advantage of being able to surprise the attacker upon entrance.There are also reports that exits other than one were padlocked shut leaving a killing zone for the shooter. Why would they do that? Seems like a fire safety risk at minimum. I dont care if all Exits were Welded shut , were bottles , chairs , tables , alcohol (to light his butt up ) and enough manpower available to subdue the terrorist ??????????? The only things that were not available is Courage and a "Pair" of B_ _ _ S Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
borgranta Posted June 14, 2016 at 05:02 PM Share Posted June 14, 2016 at 05:02 PM She should be locked up as an accomplice. Lethal injection for her. Florida is still a capital punishment state right? And for those who say that she didn't have a choice.....if she was driving, she could have smashed the car into something. There's no excuse.Lethal injection would martyr her. Perhaps a lifetime of solitary confinement would be sufficient.If she was abused she may have been afraid of trying to physically oppose him. She may have even been afraid of getting beat up for trying to talk him out of it but she was brave enough to risk it to try to talk him out of it though successfully. A medical examination could whether or not she has had numerous broken bones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
borgranta Posted June 14, 2016 at 05:07 PM Share Posted June 14, 2016 at 05:07 PM If no evidence can be provided of systematic abuse of the wife than she can be given a life sentence using the fact that she tried to talk him out of the attack as justification for the reduced sentence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DD123 Posted June 14, 2016 at 05:17 PM Share Posted June 14, 2016 at 05:17 PM If I was forced to drive some nut job, even if it was a family member, at gunpoint so that they could shoot up a place, I'd smash the vehicle head-on into a light pole, brick wall, etc. Not an oncoming car because they're innocent, but something that'll guarantee that this person and probably myself will be injured and they'll be unable to carry through with their plans. When the cops and ambulance shows up, I can tell them exactly what just happened. She not only could have done that, she should have knowing what was about to transpire. I mean, he was going to die anyways, so wouldn't taking him out of the fight be the most intelligent or honorable thing to do? She could have then been done with him because he'd have been locked up and her worries about him retaliating would be gone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raw Power Posted June 14, 2016 at 05:17 PM Share Posted June 14, 2016 at 05:17 PM Christianity teaches to love the sinner but hate the sin.That's why Christians are 'intolerant' of government and societal endorsement, enablement, and encouragement of a sinful lifestyle.Christians do not hate people who commit abortions or have them done but they hate the murder.They do not hate people living in sexual sin. They hate the sin and the demands by society that they should accept it, endorse it, and pay for it. Stop calling Christians intolerant and 'just as bad as the next religion' because they don't accept the secular philosophies being forced on them. You don't like it when you perceive Christians doing it to you even though I'd challenge anyone to show it's being done. If it's being attempted, it's not being done very effectively. At least Christians aren't pursuing a program of invasion, coercion, and murder to force you to accept their lifestyle and religions choices. From my point of view it looks like the secularist left is much more in tune with that method of societal change than the Christians are. It's funny how those who are anti-religion and anti-Christian are much more tolerant of the secular left despite the damage they've done and continue to do at a continually accelerating pace.Just like there are many versions of Islam, some more tolerant than others, the same can ceratinly be said about Christianity. Pastor Roger Jimenez from Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento told his congregation that Christians shouldnt be mourning the death of 50 sodomites.I find it a bit funny that the pastors name is the same as the pistol brand, which I equate with very low quality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hatchet Posted June 14, 2016 at 05:55 PM Share Posted June 14, 2016 at 05:55 PM Ive heard rumors they are going to arrest an accomplice. Wonder if that's his wife. I agree. But whats also the first thing we are taught while carrying. If your in a bad situation trying to remove yourself from said situation is that first thing you do. Run to exit, exit locked, everyone else is doing same thing. Gets crowded at a door that won't open. So i won't fault most of them for doing number. But yes at some point some people should have seen where this was going and acted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InterestedBystander Posted June 14, 2016 at 06:17 PM Share Posted June 14, 2016 at 06:17 PM Ive heard rumors they are going to arrest an accomplice. Wonder if that's his wife. Supposedly she was with him at the gun store. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RECarry Posted June 14, 2016 at 07:15 PM Share Posted June 14, 2016 at 07:15 PM Posted this to facebook to get folks thinking. It's a shorthand version of something I read on Todd's FB page today. We'll see how much backlash I get from the "you just hate Obama" minions and the self-righteous "we are better than this" gang. Would you stop to help someone change a flat tire on a dangerous road? Would you try to rescue a child being attacked by an aggressive dog? What about someone being thrown down and kicked on the Blue Line? What about a carjacking when *your* children are in the back seat? Or a bar full of patrons is being slaughtered? Hard to say if you would help, isn't it? But would you lobby to prevent people who *are* licensed and trained to carry a firearm from saving others? That's what a vote for Hillary is. How do crime victims feel when no one intervenes and police are not available? They feel bloody, or dead. What happens when responsible citizens with carry permits and training decide it is not worth being mocked (or sued) by a thankless public (and media) and just decide to mind their own business? You're on your own. That is what's coming if Hillary is elected. #isitbettertomindyourownbusiness? #donotgetinvolved? #letspretendevilhappenstootherpeople? #whatdifferencedoesitmake? #whensecondscountareyouthefirstresponder? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BobPistol Posted June 15, 2016 at 10:44 AM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 10:44 AM And surprise! The ACLU blames Christians for the Orlando shooting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bmyers Posted June 15, 2016 at 11:13 AM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 11:13 AM And surprise! The ACLU blames Christians for the Orlando shooting.$Us Christians and our crusades, I bet we are responsible for global warming and the spread of the Zika virus too.$ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nanook Posted June 15, 2016 at 12:37 PM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 12:37 PM I'll pay attention to the ACLU right after they pay attention to the 2nd amendment. That'll be never. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
junglebob Posted June 15, 2016 at 01:33 PM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 01:33 PM Well, I for one would like to get back to the details as they are released and take a break from all the religious/political debate. Those of you who want to pursue that dialogue, please start your own topic in the backroom. But mind that you observe the IllinoisCarry code of conduct, several posts in this topic dropped into the personal insult category. Well, I for one would like to get back to the details as they are released and take a break from all the religious/political debate. Those of you who want to pursue that dialogue, please start your own topic in the backroom. But mind that you observe the IllinoisCarry code of conduct, several posts in this topic dropped into the personal insult category. I keep wondering why the cops waited for hours to go in. I believe something was said about them thinking a bomb might be planted inside. Was there possibly anything in the 911 call the killer made to make them think this might be so? Did shooting inside not start for hours? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Molly B. Posted June 15, 2016 at 02:12 PM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 02:12 PM Well, I for one would like to get back to the details as they are released and take a break from all the religious/political debate. Those of you who want to pursue that dialogue, please start your own topic in the backroom. But mind that you observe the IllinoisCarry code of conduct, several posts in this topic dropped into the personal insult category. Well, I for one would like to get back to the details as they are released and take a break from all the religious/political debate. Those of you who want to pursue that dialogue, please start your own topic in the backroom. But mind that you observe the IllinoisCarry code of conduct, several posts in this topic dropped into the personal insult category. I keep wondering why the cops waited for hours to go in. I believe something was said about them thinking a bomb might be planted inside. Was there possibly anything in the 911 call the killer made to make them think this might be so? Did shooting inside not start for hours? from what I'm reading today, the killer shot his way past the security guard, entered the building firing into the crowd and that is when the majority of deaths occurred. Officers entered the building immediately but the killer had barricaded himself in a bathroom with hostages. The situation became a hostage negotiation at that time. After a 3 hr. standoff, Swat team breached the wall into the bathroom and the killer tried to shoot his way out and was killed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DD123 Posted June 15, 2016 at 02:45 PM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 02:45 PM There's a lot of inconsistency with what the official story is, and what survivors are saying. I'm not saying anything other than there are several instances where people have said things that contradict what we're being told. One survivor said that after the guy came in shooting, he actually took the time to walk through the club and shoot each body on the floor. If the police made it inside the club, he wouldn't have been able to walk around the entire place freely to do that. Another survivor said that there was more than one shooter. This could be attributed to echo because I'm assuming that a nightclub probably has decent sound insulation which tends to generate echoes. That same survivor said that it sounded like a machine-gun going off, and actually described what he'd heard. I've shot plenty of AR's rapid fire. I've also heard people who can shoot them even faster than me shoot them. They do not sound like machine guns. Again, this can be attributed to echo. Someone in the bathroom with the shooter said that he was on the phone speaking to someone other than the police saying that he wasn't alone. It could just be that he was insane, but I've not heard much from official sources about that, only from a survivor. Waiting 3 hours to breach is also very strange. It doesn't take very long to drill a hole and fish a fiberoptic camera in to get a lay of the land, and then breach the wall as they ended up doing 3 hours later. Was there another shooter? Who knows, but from what I've read, a lot of the dead had multiple bullet wounds, along with the survivors. That means that the shooter had to have a lot of mags on him. Where did he keep them? I don't know of many chest rigs that can carry that many mags. A backpack would be out of the question because you can't get to the mags that quickly. I read that a lot of victims along with survivors were shot between 5-15 times. If 50 were killed and slightly over 100 in total were shot, that's a lot of ammo and magazines. I hope that we find out more and those questions get answered. I know that shortly after these atrocities are committed, there's usually a lot of conflicting information due to the nature of the beast, with many different agencies operating in tandem, but IMHO, the questions above should be easy to answer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spanishjames Posted June 15, 2016 at 02:54 PM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 02:54 PM There's a lot of inconsistency with what the official story is, and what survivors are saying. I'm not saying anything other than there are several instances where people have said things that contradict what we're being told. One survivor said that after the guy came in shooting, he actually took the time to walk through the club and shoot each body on the floor. If the police made it inside the club, he wouldn't have been able to walk around the entire place freely to do that. Another survivor said that there was more than one shooter. This could be attributed to echo because I'm assuming that a nightclub probably has decent sound insulation which tends to generate echoes. That same survivor said that it sounded like a machine-gun going off, and actually described what he'd heard. I've shot plenty of AR's rapid fire. I've also heard people who can shoot them even faster than me shoot them. They do not sound like machine guns. Again, this can be attributed to echo. Someone in the bathroom with the shooter said that he was on the phone speaking to someone other than the police saying that he wasn't alone. It could just be that he was insane, but I've not heard much from official sources about that, only from a survivor. Waiting 3 hours to breach is also very strange. It doesn't take very long to drill a hole and fish a fiberoptic camera in to get a lay of the land, and then breach the wall as they ended up doing 3 hours later. Was there another shooter? Who knows, but from what I've read, a lot of the dead had multiple bullet wounds, along with the survivors. That means that the shooter had to have a lot of mags on him. Where did he keep them? I don't know of many chest rigs that can carry that many mags. A backpack would be out of the question because you can't get to the mags that quickly. I read that a lot of victims along with survivors were shot between 5-15 times. If 50 were killed and slightly over 100 in total were shot, that's a lot of ammo and magazines. I hope that we find out more and those questions get answered. I know that shortly after these atrocities are committed, there's usually a lot of conflicting information due to the nature of the beast, with many different agencies operating in tandem, but IMHO, the questions above should be easy to answer. Most likely the people were huddled together in a tight group, and the killer shot into the crowd. Then the bullets would pass through the first victim, killing them, and injuring the person in back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Molly B. Posted June 15, 2016 at 03:31 PM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 03:31 PM A lot of damage can be done in the minutes it takes for officers to arrive on the scene too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bmyers Posted June 15, 2016 at 03:31 PM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 03:31 PM Plus, waiting three hours, you lose that 'Golden Hour' for trauma care. How many of the individuals could of been saved even though they were shot if they hadn't be left for three hours? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeffrey Posted June 15, 2016 at 03:39 PM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 03:39 PM After torchering myself yesterday with listening to our Chump in Chief as well as listening to media types like CNN/msnbc, etc., I've come to the conclusion that this will go down just like Ft. Hood which was classified a work place violence. Orlando will go documented as a hate crime against gays. In Obummerland, there are no Islamic Terrorists and no terrorist attacks happening on his clock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TRJ Posted June 15, 2016 at 03:42 PM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 03:42 PM Plus, waiting three hours, you lose that 'Golden Hour' for trauma care. How many of the individuals could of been saved even though they were shot if they hadn't be left for three hours?That's why everyone should have one of these and be trained in proper use... It's such a simple life saver and so cheap that they should store a few of them with every AED and fire extinguisher in no gun zones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bmyers Posted June 15, 2016 at 03:45 PM Share Posted June 15, 2016 at 03:45 PM Plus, waiting three hours, you lose that 'Golden Hour' for trauma care. How many of the individuals could of been saved even though they were shot if they hadn't be left for three hours?That's why everyone should have one of these and be trained in proper use... It's such a simple life saver and so cheap that they should store a few of them with every AED and fire extinguisher in no gun zones. I have one of these my EDC bag. It can be worn on the belt, but I have enough stuff on my belt. My bag goes to the office with me and to most job locations. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FieldGL Posted June 17, 2016 at 01:09 AM Share Posted June 17, 2016 at 01:09 AM So they're saying Omar donated blood before the attack. What a freak. Someone out there, could have his blood in them. Now his wife is denying any involvement and is blaming gun stores for providing him the firearms. She claims the media is lying. Guessing she lawyerd up. Also, a gunshop that denied sale of ammo and armor, claims to have reported him to the FBI. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
niels Posted June 17, 2016 at 04:32 AM Share Posted June 17, 2016 at 04:32 AM Anyone put any stock in the theories that Orlando (and Sandy Hook, and the Aurora movie shooting, etc) are false flags/hoaxes designed to be used by sheeple and lackey politicians to push for more gun control, if not outright gun grabs? I'm seeing a lot of tinfoil hat stuff on YouTube about this, along with stuff about crisis actors and so on. According to them, the NWO is just around the corner. I don't want to go nutters, but on the other hand, some of them raise some valid points regarding the inconsistencies of Orlando, for example. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DD123 Posted June 17, 2016 at 04:59 AM Share Posted June 17, 2016 at 04:59 AM Anyone put any stock in the theories that Orlando (and Sandy Hook, and the Aurora movie shooting, etc) are false flags/hoaxes designed to be used by sheeple and lackey politicians to push for more gun control, if not outright gun grabs? I'm seeing a lot of tinfoil hat stuff on YouTube about this, along with stuff about crisis actors and so on. According to them, the NWO is just around the corner. I don't want to go nutters, but on the other hand, some of them raise some valid points regarding the inconsistencies of Orlando, for example. There are some inconsistencies, but if it were to be a false flag, why have a Muslim commit it? Seems like that would make it more difficult than less. It's like the nutters with 9/11. I've heard thermite, controlled demo, holographic planes, and all sorts of other crazy theories. The only conspiracy with 9/11 is what was classified. The fact that the Saudis were instrumental in the attack. My cousin sends me every conspiracy theory making its rounds so I get to read about them all and debunk him. What I've found is that typically the simplest answer is usually the correct one. That's not to say that people should stop questioning any official story. Conspiracy theorist often ask the questions that make people uncomfortable and afraid to talk about. That's important in our current state of media bs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tkroenlein Posted June 17, 2016 at 11:18 AM Share Posted June 17, 2016 at 11:18 AM Anyone put any stock in the theories that Orlando (and Sandy Hook, and the Aurora movie shooting, etc) are false flags/hoaxes designed to be used by sheeple and lackey politicians to push for more gun control, if not outright gun grabs? I'm seeing a lot of tinfoil hat stuff on YouTube about this, along with stuff about crisis actors and so on. According to them, the NWO is just around the corner. I don't want to go nutters, but on the other hand, some of them raise some valid points regarding the inconsistencies of Orlando, for example. The reason these events stink to high heaven is because the propagandists swoop in and try to create a false narrative about the nature of the attacks. Benghazi is a prime example that has now been thoroughly exposed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
icm2014 Posted June 17, 2016 at 11:43 AM Share Posted June 17, 2016 at 11:43 AM Orlando Victims Died Because They Were Unarmed - Not Because They Were Gay Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cls74 Posted June 17, 2016 at 01:13 PM Share Posted June 17, 2016 at 01:13 PM So they're saying Omar donated blood before the attack. What a freak. Someone out there, could have his blood in them. Now his wife is denying any involvement and is blaming gun stores for providing him the firearms. She claims the media is lying. Guessing she lawyerd up. Also, a gunshop that denied sale of ammo and armor, claims to have reported him to the FBI.Here is an article on it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draal Posted June 17, 2016 at 01:55 PM Share Posted June 17, 2016 at 01:55 PM So they're saying Omar donated blood before the attack. What a freak. Someone out there, could have his blood in them. Now his wife is denying any involvement and is blaming gun stores for providing him the firearms. She claims the media is lying. Guessing she lawyerd up. Also, a gunshop that denied sale of ammo and armor, claims to have reported him to the FBI.Here is an article on it Yep, that guy at Lotus Gunworks is a respected member on and did the right thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FieldGL Posted June 17, 2016 at 02:39 PM Share Posted June 17, 2016 at 02:39 PM What's interesting is, Omar posted (supposedly) on FB about his upcoming attack. If this is true, I'm sure he had Friends on his account, that would of seen that post, otherwise why would he post it, for no one to see? Unless he did it, since he knew they could recover it later on during investigation. OR he deleted them right away. The gun shop that reported him, were not able to get a surveillance video of him or get his name. So FBI gave up on that report, since there was nothing to go by, at the time. But if someone on FB saw his post and reported him, FBI could of connected the dots, between FB post and the gunshop reporting a suspicious person. More so if they talked to his co-workers, who claim all sorts of violent behavior/thoughts from him. But the company didn't want to seem racist, so they turned a eye blind. I hope they find out who was on his friends list (if any) and who might of seen those posts and stood by. If there are confirmed people who saw that post, they should be questioned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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