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ISRA Endorsement List


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Got it in the mail on Sat.


ISRA Fed-Pac Federal Candidate Selections

United States Senate - Randy Stufflebeam (Constitution Party) - Preferred

14th House District - Randy Hultgren ® - Endorsed

15th House District - Tim Johnson ® - Endorsed

16th House District - Don Manzullo ® - Endorsed

18th House District - Aaron Schock ® - Endorsed

6th House District - Peter Roskam ® - Endorsed

11th House District - Debbie Halverson (D) - Endorsed

12th House District - Jerry Costello (D) - Endorsed

13th House District - Judy Biggert ® - Endorsed

19th House District - John Shimkus ® - Endorsed


ISRA Political Victory Fund State Candidate Selections


IL Constitutional Officers

Governor - Bill Brady ® - Endorsed

Lieutenant Governor - Jason Plummer ® - Endorsed

Attorney General - Steve Kim ® - Preferred

Secretary of State - Robert Enriquez ® - Preferred

Treasurer - Dan Rutherford ® - Endorsed

Comptroller - Judy Baar Topinka ® - Endorsed


Illinois State Senate


22nd Senate District - Steve Rauschenberger ® - Endorsed

25th Senate District - Chris Lauzen ® - Endorsed

28th Senate District - John Millner ® - Endorsed

31st Senate District - Michael Bond (D) - Endorsed

34th Senate District - Dave Syverson ® - Endorsed

37th Senate District - Dale Risinger ® - Endorsed

40th Senate District - Toi Hutchinson (D) - Endorsed

43rd Senate District - A.J. Wilhelmi (D) - Endorsed

46th Senate District - David Koehler (D) - Endorsed

49th Senate District - Deanna Demuzio (D) - Endorsed

51st Senate District - Kyle McCarter ® - Endorsed

52nd Senate District - Michael Frerichs (D) - Endorsed

55th Senate District - Dale Righter ® - Endorsed

58th Senate District - David Luechtefeld ® - Endorsed


Illinois State Representative

37th House District - Kevin McCarthy (D) - Endorsed

41st House District - Chris Nybo ® - Endorsed

43rd House District - Ruth Munson ® - Endorsed

44th House District - Billie Roth ® - Preferred

45th House District - Franco Coladipietro ® - Preferred

46th House District - Dennis Reboletti ® - Endorsed

47th House District - Patti Bellock ® - Preferred

48th House District - Michael Connelly ® - Endorsed

49th House District - Tim Schmitz ® - Endorsed

50th House District - Kay Hatcher ® - Endorsed

51st House District - Ed Sullivan, Jr ® - Endorsed

52nd House District - Mark Beaubien, Jr. ® - Endorsed

53rd House District - Sid Mathias ® - Endorsed

54th House District - Tom Morrison ® - Endorsed

55th House District - Randy Ramey ® - Endorsed

56th House District - Ryan Higgins ® - Preferred

59th House District - Dan Sugrue ® - Preferred

61st House District - Joann Osmond ® - Endorsed

62nd House District - Sandy Cole ® - Endorsed

63rd House District - Jack Franks (D) - Endorsed

64th House District - Michael Tryon ® - Endorsed

66th House District - David Harris ® - Endorsed

68th House District - Dave Winters ® - Endorsed

69th House District - Joe Sosnowski ® - Endorsed

70th House District - Robert Pritchard ® - Endorsed

72nd House District - Patrick Verschoore (D) - Endorsed

73rd House District - David Leitch ® - Endorsed

74th House District - Donald Moffitt ® - Endorsed

75th House District - Careen Gordon (D) - Endorsed

76th House District - Frank Mautino (D) - Endorsed

77th House District - Angelo Saviano ® - Endorsed

78th House District - Ted Leverenz (I) - Preferred

79th House District - Lisa Dugan (D) - Endorsed

81st House District - Renée Kosel ® - Endorsed

82nd House District - Jim Durkin ® Preferred

83rd House District - Linda Chapa LaVia (D) - Preferred

84th House District - Tom Cross ® - Endorsed

85th House District - Maripat Oliver ® - Preferred

87th House District - Bill Mitchell ® - Endorsed

88th House District - Dan Brady ® - Endorsed

89th House District - Jim Sacia ® - Endorsed

90th House District - Jerry Mitchell ® - Endorsed

91st House District - Michael Smith (D) - Endorsed

93rd House District - Jil Tracy ® - Endorsed

94th House District - Rich Myers ® - Endorsed

95th House District - Mike Fortner ® - Endorsed

96th House District - Darlene Senger ® - Endorsed

97th House District - Jim Watson ® - Endorsed

98th House District - Wayne Rosenthal ® - Preferred

99th House District - Raymond Poe ® - Endorsed

100th House District - Rich Brauer ® - Endorsed

101st House District - Bob Flider (D) - Endorsed

102nd House District - Ron Stephens ® - Endorsed

104th House District - Chad Hays ® - Preferred

105th House District - Shane Cultra ® - Endorsed

106th House District - Keith Sommer ® - Endorsed

107th House District - John Cavaletto ® - Endorsed

108th House District - David Reis ® - Endorsed

109th House District - Roger Eddy ® - Endorsed

110th House District - Chapin Rose ® - Endorsed

111th House District - Daniel Beiser (D) - Endorsed

112th House District - Jay Hoffman (D) - Endorsed

113th House District - Tom Holbrook (D) - Endorsed

114th House District - Eddie Lee Jackson (D) - Endorsed

115th House District - Mike Bost ® - Endorsed

116th House District - Dan Reitz ® - Endorsed

117th House District - John Bradley (D) - Endorsed

118th House District - Brandon Phelps (D) - Endorsed

voter guide-1.pdf

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I'm happy to see that neither Alexi Gianuolious nor Mark "RINO" Kirk are endorsed. What a sad choice we are left with.


How sad is it that this is the ONLY office that does not have either a preferred or endorsed candidate with a D or R after their name? Think Rino Kirk is taking notice [or cares?]



One question... what is the difference between "preferred" and "endorsed"?

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I'm happy to see that neither Alexi Gianuolious nor Mark "RINO" Kirk are endorsed. What a sad choice we are left with.


How sad is it that this is the ONLY office that does not have either a preferred or endorsed candidate with a D or R after their name? Think Rino Kirk is taking notice [or cares?]



One question... what is the difference between "preferred" and "endorsed"?


Sad indeed Mr Lou...

I still can't believe Kirk is in the running - and he's no better than his competiton... Makes me want to say "poo-poo"


I'd say the diff is:

Endorsed - this is the guy!!

Preferred - We could ask for more, but better than the other guy!



It is good to see so many "D's" as endorsed and preferred - gives me a lot of hope that this may be THE year for CCW.

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Contrary to the ISRA endorsement, I urge everyone in the 52nd Senate district to vote for the Republican candidate, Al Reynolds. Reynolds' win would give us one more republican in the Senate and his stance on the 2A is much stronger than Frerichs. It would be the better choice all around.


Here's the breakdown...


If Frerichs wins, we keep a democrat seat and a hum-ho 2A supporter who so far has voted our way on a couple of occasions. He has never sponsored or co-sponsored any pro 2A legislation nor has he actively sought to do anything else to champion our cause.


If Reynolds wins, we gain a republican seat which will take some power away from the dems and we'll have a no-nonsense, 100% 2A supporter who will actively work to restore our rights!


Why settle on mediocre when we have such a better choice?



(This is my own personal opinion, not that of Illinoiscarry.com)


I personally know Reynolds and can attest to his character.

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Won't be renewing with the ISRA due to their endorsement of Debbie Halvorson. Being pro - gun is the only thing good about her. She voted for Obama care and cap & tax. Plus her opponent is very pro 2nd / concealed carry as well as a Washington outsider with conservative views. Very dissapointed with the ISRA, I've already taken their sticker off my truck.
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Won't be renewing with the ISRA due to their endorsement of Debbie Halvorson. Being pro - gun is the only thing good about her. She voted for Obama care and cap & tax. Plus her opponent is very pro 2nd / concealed carry as well as a Washington outsider with conservative views. Very dissapointed with the ISRA, I've already taken their sticker off my truck.


Some people just don't get it. I'm sure we'll be better of without you.

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Won't be renewing with the ISRA due to their endorsement of Debbie Halvorson...

Some people just don't get it. I'm sure we'll be better of without you.



I would have to disagree. The fight for concealed carry is not better off without anyone. BrntWS6 has a valid disagreement with ISRA over their endorsement of a specific candidate. If both candidates are pro-2nd amendment, then this would be a point where reasonable people could differ without any rancor. Personally, I strongly agree with BrntWS6 that Adam Kinzinger is a much better Representative than Halvorson. However, even were I to disagree, I would not think we’d be "better off" without.


Anyway, I'm glad to see my current US Rep, Ilinois Rep, and Illinois Senator on the "Endorsed" list. All 3 do a great job, both in 2nd-amendment rights (which is the subject here of course), but in other policial stands as well.

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Won't be renewing with the ISRA due to their endorsement of Debbie Halvorson...

Some people just don't get it. I'm sure we'll be better of without you.



I would have to disagree. The fight for concealed carry is not better off without anyone. BrntWS6 has a valid disagreement with ISRA over their endorsement of a specific candidate. If both candidates are pro-2nd amendment, then this would be a point where reasonable people could differ without any rancor. Personally, I strongly agree with BrntWS6 that Adam Kinzinger is a much better Representative than Halvorson. However, even were I to disagree, I would not think we’d be "better off" without.


Anyway, I'm glad to see my current US Rep, Ilinois Rep, and Illinois Senator on the "Endorsed" list. All 3 do a great job, both in 2nd-amendment rights (which is the subject here of course), but in other policial stands as well.


Who needs 'members' that never renew over an endorsement? This isn't the kind of person that is going to be helping anyway. More dead weight that we have to carry.


NRA and ISRA endorsements have to support pro-gun Democrats or the grading/endorsement system is meaningless. There would be no reason for an incumbent to support pro-gun things if as soon as someone new comes along with no record and plenty of promises they dump the incumbent.


We are all free to evaluate our other interests along with the endorsement and vote for or against. Not renewing because of ISRA or NRA doesn't endorse a conservative over a democrat when the democrat is pro-gun and an incumbent is really just an excuse. The guy isn't going to renew anyway. He isn't going to help us accomplish anything.

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heres another list of some from GOA




2010 Illinois Candidates
















































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I'm happy to see that neither Alexi Gianuolious nor Mark "RINO" Kirk are endorsed. What a sad choice we are left with.


How sad is it that this is the ONLY office that does not have either a preferred or endorsed candidate with a D or R after their name? Think Rino Kirk is taking notice [or cares?]



One question... what is the difference between "preferred" and "endorsed"?


Sad indeed Mr Lou...

I still can't believe Kirk is in the running - and he's no better than his competiton... Makes me want to say "poo-poo"


I'd say the diff is:

Endorsed - this is the guy!!

Preferred - We could ask for more, but better than the other guy!



It is good to see so many "D's" as endorsed and preferred - gives me a lot of hope that this may be THE year for CCW.


Now that's the positive attitude I like to see! thumbsup.png

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We eat our own. That is sad. The ISRA is a tool for our success -- not a religion. They should have to compete for our support like anyone else. They endorsed someone other than Brady for Governor in the primary. If Brady loses, they will be able to say, "See, the other guy was more electable and we could have won." If Brady becomes governor, then Brady supporters from the beginning will say, "See, if we get a true conservative he can win. No more compromises." Hmmm!

Well, let's not overplay this or any other election. Brady can win, but turnout in Chicago is the key for Quinn and he seems to be unable to excite the voters there.

After the smoke clears, let's just remember who our friends are and our best friends may not be members of the ISRA.

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Stufflebeam doesn't stand a snowball's chance in heck of winning. Kirk is a turd, but at least he'll add numbers to the right side of the aisle.

You are both pragmatic and correct. When you live in a bright blue state like Illinois, it is hard to know when to stand on principle and when to be willing to accept less than you want but more than the other side would provide. That is why a lot of us held our noses and voted for John McCain. Even if the pubs take the house and senate in 2010 and the presidency in 2012, I don't think that we can undo the damage that has been done. Somewhere along the line I think that we have all been guilty of accepting the absence of due process when restricting liberty and were way too willing to even promote blanket restrictions on freedom in the name of the "greater good". I am going to be much more careful now, even when I think that the restrictions are worthwhile.

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They endorsed someone other than Brady for Governor in the primary. If Brady loses, they will be able to say, "See, the other guy was more electable and we could have won." If Brady becomes governor, then Brady supporters from the beginning will say, "See, if we get a true conservative he can win. No more compromises." Hmmm!

The ISRA-PVF makes endorsements based on who's best for gun owners and gun ownership in the state of Illinois.

No one at ISRA-PVF is planning for the defeat of the pro-gun candidates so that excuses could be made later.


ISRA is in this for keeps.


Are you an ISRA member?

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They endorsed someone other than Brady for Governor in the primary. If Brady loses, they will be able to say, "See, the other guy was more electable and we could have won." If Brady becomes governor, then Brady supporters from the beginning will say, "See, if we get a true conservative he can win. No more compromises." Hmmm!

The ISRA-PVF makes endorsements based on who's best for gun owners and gun ownership in the state of Illinois.

No one at ISRA-PVF is planning for the defeat of the pro-gun candidates so that excuses could be made later.


ISRA is in this for keeps.


Are you an ISRA member?

First, I did not say that the ISRA endorsements were part of a plan to be able to have bragging rights or excuses, but the result of this election will provide those to one side or the other whether it was planned or not or whether or not anyone will make use of the results of the election in that way. I really liked Brady from the "git go" but I voted for Kirk Dillard for the same reasons as the ISRA had for endorsing him I presume. My decisions and those of the ISRA are based on what we "Think" is the best for gun owners, but the ISRA is made up of people and people are fallible the same as you and I. Over the years, I have found that ISRA has some members that put a bad taste in my mouth with a holier than thou attitude. (I am not speaking of you or anything that has been said recently.) As a result, I have not felt comfortable in making myself a part of that organization but I have instead been a long time member of the Gunssafelife in Champaign and I am an endowment member of the NRA. I am very fond of the GOA, but I guess that I must apologize for not being as pure as you would like or living up to the high standards that you seem to think exists in the ISRA. As Popeye used to say, "I yam what I yam".


Are you suggesting that I not provide any support to the cause because I am not pure enough?

Do you have to have an ISRA tattoo in order to be admitted to meetings?

Who are the ISRA? A few people at the top and then their mind-numbed minions standing guard to block the way of anyone who has a different idea of how to benefit gun owners! Is the ISRA the only way, the truth and the light for all who want to enter the realm of gun ownership, or is it a tool that all gun owners have available to them in breaking the chains of bondage here in the People's Republic of Illinois.

Are you saying that the only people who are allowed to post here must first have an ISRA membership? Okay. I can handle that because I prefer to have conversations with people rather than be subjected to knee jerk attacks as if I had just used some sort of blasphemy by suggesting that the ISRA or NRA, or any other organization might be fallible.

You asked me if I was an ISRA member. Why? Is membership in other organizations and political volunteerism worthless in your mind if the ISRA membership is not at the top of list of people who consider themselves to be activists for the constitutional rights of gun owners? Since I am not an ISRA member, should I remove the Brady sign from my yard?


Excuse me. I think I see your point.

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They endorsed someone other than Brady for Governor in the primary. If Brady loses, they will be able to say, "See, the other guy was more electable and we could have won." If Brady becomes governor, then Brady supporters from the beginning will say, "See, if we get a true conservative he can win. No more compromises." Hmmm!

The ISRA-PVF makes endorsements based on who's best for gun owners and gun ownership in the state of Illinois.

No one at ISRA-PVF is planning for the defeat of the pro-gun candidates so that excuses could be made later.


ISRA is in this for keeps.


Are you an ISRA member?

First, I did not say that the ISRA endorsements were part of a plan to be able to have bragging rights or excuses, but the result of this election will provide those to one side or the other whether it was planned or not or whether or not anyone will make use of the results of the election in that way. I really liked Brady from the "git go" but I voted for Kirk Dillard for the same reasons as the ISRA had for endorsing him I presume. My decisions and those of the ISRA are based on what we "Think" is the best for gun owners, but the ISRA is made up of people and people are fallible the same as you and I. Over the years, I have found that ISRA has some members that put a bad taste in my mouth with a holier than thou attitude. (I am not speaking of you or anything that has been said recently.) As a result, I have not felt comfortable in making myself a part of that organization but I have instead been a long time member of the Gunssafelife in Champaign and I am an endowment member of the NRA. I am very fond of the GOA, but I guess that I must apologize for not being as pure as you would like or living up to the high standards that you seem to think exists in the ISRA. As Popeye used to say, "I yam what I yam".


Are you suggesting that I not provide any support to the cause because I am not pure enough?

Do you have to have an ISRA tattoo in order to be admitted to meetings?

Who are the ISRA? A few people at the top and then their mind-numbed minions standing guard to block the way of anyone who has a different idea of how to benefit gun owners! Is the ISRA the only way, the truth and the light for all who want to enter the realm of gun ownership, or is it a tool that all gun owners have available to them in breaking the chains of bondage here in the People's Republic of Illinois.

Are you saying that the only people who are allowed to post here must first have an ISRA membership? Okay. I can handle that because I prefer to have conversations with people rather than be subjected to knee jerk attacks as if I had just used some sort of blasphemy by suggesting that the ISRA or NRA, or any other organization might be fallible.

You asked me if I was an ISRA member. Why? Is membership in other organizations and political volunteerism worthless in your mind if the ISRA membership is not at the top of list of people who consider themselves to be activists for the constitutional rights of gun owners? Since I am not an ISRA member, should I remove the Brady sign from my yard?


Excuse me. I think I see your point.


Hardly. The above reads like the rantings of a whiny child.


He asks if you are in the ISRA because then you'd have a vested interest in changing the things about it you don't like. If not, then not.


So you prefer GOA and NRA to ISRA? What has GOA done for Illinois gun owners? Ever? Nothing. ISRA is deep in the trenches and pulling out the major wins.

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They endorsed someone other than Brady for Governor in the primary. If Brady loses, they will be able to say, "See, the other guy was more electable and we could have won." If Brady becomes governor, then Brady supporters from the beginning will say, "See, if we get a true conservative he can win. No more compromises." Hmmm!

The ISRA-PVF makes endorsements based on who's best for gun owners and gun ownership in the state of Illinois.

No one at ISRA-PVF is planning for the defeat of the pro-gun candidates so that excuses could be made later.


ISRA is in this for keeps.


Are you an ISRA member?

First, I did not say that the ISRA endorsements were part of a plan to be able to have bragging rights or excuses, but the result of this election will provide those to one side or the other whether it was planned or not or whether or not anyone will make use of the results of the election in that way. I really liked Brady from the "git go" but I voted for Kirk Dillard for the same reasons as the ISRA had for endorsing him I presume. My decisions and those of the ISRA are based on what we "Think" is the best for gun owners, but the ISRA is made up of people and people are fallible the same as you and I. Over the years, I have found that ISRA has some members that put a bad taste in my mouth with a holier than thou attitude. (I am not speaking of you or anything that has been said recently.) As a result, I have not felt comfortable in making myself a part of that organization but I have instead been a long time member of the Gunssafelife in Champaign and I am an endowment member of the NRA. I am very fond of the GOA, but I guess that I must apologize for not being as pure as you would like or living up to the high standards that you seem to think exists in the ISRA. As Popeye used to say, "I yam what I yam".


Are you suggesting that I not provide any support to the cause because I am not pure enough?

Do you have to have an ISRA tattoo in order to be admitted to meetings?

Who are the ISRA? A few people at the top and then their mind-numbed minions standing guard to block the way of anyone who has a different idea of how to benefit gun owners! Is the ISRA the only way, the truth and the light for all who want to enter the realm of gun ownership, or is it a tool that all gun owners have available to them in breaking the chains of bondage here in the People's Republic of Illinois.

Are you saying that the only people who are allowed to post here must first have an ISRA membership? Okay. I can handle that because I prefer to have conversations with people rather than be subjected to knee jerk attacks as if I had just used some sort of blasphemy by suggesting that the ISRA or NRA, or any other organization might be fallible.

You asked me if I was an ISRA member. Why? Is membership in other organizations and political volunteerism worthless in your mind if the ISRA membership is not at the top of list of people who consider themselves to be activists for the constitutional rights of gun owners? Since I am not an ISRA member, should I remove the Brady sign from my yard?


Excuse me. I think I see your point.


Hardly. The above reads like the rantings of a whiny child.


He asks if you are in the ISRA because then you'd have a vested interest in changing the things about it you don't like. If not, then not.


So you prefer GOA and NRA to ISRA? What has GOA done for Illinois gun owners? Ever? Nothing. ISRA is deep in the trenches and pulling out the major wins.

I have a vested interest in working for the rights guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment. If your choice is to do that through membership in the ISRA then that is fine with me but I (for a number of reasons) am a ISRA non-believer even though I listen to their thoughts and appreciate their efforts. But unlike you and and the other poster that said that we would be better off without someone who was going to let his ISRA membership expire, I welcome him and you to the cause. On the other hand, it seems that there are those here who consider the the ISRA a religion and are driven to attack and kill the infidels. In my mind, there are no infidels that believe in the 2nd Amendment and I don't care what group(s) that they chose to join (if any).


We need all the support we can get and we would be not be better off without anyone who supports the 2nd Amendment. If that is whining, then I proud to do it.

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Gary --


sometimes the guys that gripe the most, do the least or those that complain about the position of an organization are not members. Members have a larger say about what the group does. Those that wish to trow rocks from out side are welcome to do so. But don't expect the group to pay a lot of heed to their comments.


A lot of people in the conservitive movement think that guns guys should just fall in line. We have had major run ins in this state with a batch of pro-lifers cause we did not follow their lead. We have someone who is 85% and they promise a wing and a prayer for their guy who never did anything -- not gona happen. If the incumbent was say 50% we got something to talk about.


I'm not a conservative gun owner. I'm a gun owner who is conservative.

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Gary --


sometimes the guys that gripe the most, do the least or those that complain about the position of an organization are not members. Members have a larger say about what the group does. Those that wish to trow rocks from out side are welcome to do so. But don't expect the group to pay a lot of heed to their comments.


A lot of people in the conservitive movement think that guns guys should just fall in line. We have had major run ins in this state with a batch of pro-lifers cause we did not follow their lead. We have someone who is 85% and they promise a wing and a prayer for their guy who never did anything -- not gona happen. If the incumbent was say 50% we got something to talk about.


I'm not a conservative gun owner. I'm a gun owner who is conservative.

I sent you a PM but I am not sure I did it correctly and I can not seem to find storage site for my PM's. I know I am probably doing something wrong but if you did not get the PM please let me know.

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