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C&R question


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So I don't see much in the way of curio discussion here. For a while now I've wanted to take the C&R plunge and get my 03 FFL.


From what I've read, nothing in Illinois law interferes with what you can do with a C&R (like how CA arbitrarily strips away all C&R pistols since they aren't on the list of proven "safe" handguns).


What I'm less sure about is Crook County. I'm outside the city so I don't have to worry about that, but can anyone confirm/deny Cook-specific restrictions?


I know some websites still say they don't ship to Cook County, but that's because of a BS threatening letter some anti-gun state attorney sent out several years back. 03 FFLs should be able to receive both C&R guns and ammo without any problems, right?

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Oh, as I understood it, Californians couldn't buy stuff like Tokarevs because they haven't gone through all the fees and destruction testing to get on the "safe" list. I guess it's moot if you have to go through an 01 FFL; it's just like not having the 03 at all.


Do you have any issues with websites not wanting to ship to Crook or are most of them past that now? I know I've seen it a lot but I figured if you just list your town it's irrelevant.

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I like Thiokol, have had a 03 FFL for years. I have had my Mil-surp rifles delivered to my house. I used it to purchase a 98/22 Mauser + 700 rounds of 8MM ammo from J&G sales in Arizona, had my '03 and M-1 Garand, from CMP. I have had no problems with getting my 03 FFL honored anywhere I shopped. Even thru 01 FFL's. Just keep your books and records current and records are kept for 10 years, you shouldn't have any problems. Just remember, the 03 FFL doesn't give you the right to buy and sell mil-surp, or curios and relics, as a business. You can dispose of some, trade or outright sell, but don't make it a business. I have bought more that I have sold. Just my .02's.......



John Krzos

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I have a C&R in suburban Cook too. The only problem I've ever had is that some Illinois shops will not transfer to an Illinois resident's C&R. Rink's in Lockport, for example, told me a C&R is only for interstate transfers and the waiting period still applies within the state, while sellers on auctionarms and gunbroker normally don't seem to think this way even if they're within Illinois.


You do still need to follow local regulation, so that Cook County ban on "assault weapons" might make the anti's feelings about them moot for you. But I wonder about that ordinance. It's not in the Illinois State Police data base of local regulations, nor has it ever been included in ATF Publication 5300.5 State Laws and Published Ordinances - Firearms, which they will send you when you get your license. Sooo ... is it law, or isn't' it?

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Ok guys thanks for the verification.


Any idea what the anti-rights crowd is going to do once tons of ARs and AKs hit C&R status, and patriotic Americans everywhere can (gasp) have them delivered right to their doors?



I have had my C&R about 4 years but have slowed down my purchases of firearms but still enjoy my dealer discounts at Brownells and Midway.

I am not sure about the ARs but can't see the AK ever qualifing for C&R status sinc e they are origonally a select fire weapon. They must be chopped up to be imported then rebuilt as a semi-auto to be legal. Anytime you change something from origonal it will no longer be covered by C&R status. For example; putting a synthetic stock on or removing the bayonet or grenade launcher sights on a Yugo SKS makes it no longer a C&R then it is a semi-auto sporting weapon which now falls under r22 status which requires a limit on foreign made parts. At least that is how I understand the law and act acordingly. Jim.

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Ok guys thanks for the verification.


Any idea what the anti-rights crowd is going to do once tons of ARs and AKs hit C&R status, and patriotic Americans everywhere can (gasp) have them delivered right to their doors?


Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947...hadn't thought about that before, any idea when the first semi auto version was made?

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As I understand it, making changes doesn't automatically void a firearm's C&R status. A lot of old rifles are "sporterized" before import and still keep C&R status. Most Tokarevs have a safety added.


In fact, any changes that were common at the time (grips, scope, etc) are explicitly accepted as still maintaining C&R status. The AR went semi very early on, so surplus select-fire M16s should be C&R once converted.


So whenever somebody started using AKs in semi form should be the basis for the 50 year requirement, and then select fire rifles converted to semi should maintain their status...right?

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