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  1. Hi All, I'll try to make this as concise as possible: 4 years ago I was in a psych ward for a couple of days, so I knew when I applied for my FOID just 2 weeks ago that I'd be denied; I just wanted to make sure it was classified as voluntary, which it was not. 4 years ago I was admitted as an emergency admission from the Orland Park PD. I took my father's firearm and went to a parking lot in my car one night debating suicide. I ended up calling a friend of mine to say goodbye. I didn't end up using the gun obviously, but when I returned home the police were waiting for me and admitted me with a petition for involuntary commitment. Thing is, they petitioned for it and only got 1 certificate. There was never a court date, or at least I was never informed of one. Not only that, despite the circumstances, the hospital gave me an application for voluntary admission, which I signed. The hospital signed it, too. The facility director of the hospital was also my psychiatrist and he assures me he did not put in an order for involuntary admission. So, i recently sent the ISP a copy of that voluntary admission for and asked them to correct the record and change it to voluntary. But am I getting this right? What is it that actually constitutes a formal involuntary admission in Illinois? All research seems to point to a future court date, which didn't exist. Further, on the NICS website it says that voluntary admissions and emergency admissions for observation don't count as involuntary... What do you believe will be the outcome? And if it ends up remaining involuntary, my doc will sign off for me if I appeal, but what other "ammo" can I gather to support my case? Certainly, I am much, much better than i was 4 years ago.
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