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  1. So Backstory. My CCL went active today 5/13/19 (Applied Jan 10. 2019, No Prints so 123 days in case anyone is waiting and trying to judge their wait time) I've had my FOID for about 6 years and the one I still have in hand is the older one with the drawing of the state and the light reflective colorful eagle on the bottom right corner. That FOID number doesn't match with the one on the ISP login. It's a new number, and it changed not after I was approved, but after I went Active. It's a significantly longer number and it matches my new CCL number. Does this mean that I can't buy new firearms, ammo, go to a range, or bring a weapon outside my home even if it is cased an unloaded, until the new CCL comes in? (Sure maybe go to a range since they don't seem to check anything online, but say for whatever reason I got involved in a car accident or something similar and the police see firearms and ask for a FOID card) Will they send me a replacement FOID when I get the new CCL and if not can I use the CCL as a FOID, or do I need to replace/renew it myself? I will also be leaving the state to visit Tennessee, with family members who have valid FOID cards, and even if the CCL is also sent with a new FOID, I will probably not be home at the time of delivery. I know Illinois is one of the only states to have FOIDs or something similar, but do other states expect you to bring yours from your home state if you're visiting? I know Tennessee honors Illinois CCL permits, but does anyone know if Tennessee CCL holders must have the license present on their person while carrying? I'm wondering that in the event that Tennessee CCL holders need not carry their permit on them while carrying a firearm, would they extent that same rule to Illinois CCL holders visiting the state?
  2. I've got a few questions regarding the FOID application. I've read through the forums and found several threads asking similar questions, but have not been able to find answers that specifically apply to my concerns. I've been an Illinois resident for most of my life, with the exception of two (non-consecutive) years that I lived in North Carolina. I just moved back to Illinois last spring, and now I need to finally get my FOID card, but I'm uneasy submitting the application. Lying on the FOID application is apparently a serious offense, and I don't want anything coming back on me because I misrepresented myself. Here are my concerns: 1) I was ineligible for a FOID card for 5 years, up until 2014, because my Freshman year of college ended with an involuntary 72-hour psychiatric hold. Due to a significant personal tragedy immediately preceding my college enrollment, I was struggling with serious depression/anxiety issues. This was made worse by my attending college in a city roughly 1,000 miles from home (this was my first year spent in North Carolina). I was detained (I use this word since I got slapped in wrist/ankle/waist cuffs for this) as a "suicide risk." I had not actually attempted suicide, but I had told a family member that I had been struggling with depression and had been contemplating suicide. I made the mistake of sending this in an email, and they (the family member) pushed to have local relatives take me to the hospital. They showed the hospital staff the email, and I was immediately put on the 72-hour hold, and subsequently transferred to the psychiatric ward of a nearby hospital. At the end of that 72-hour period, I was declared to not be a risk to myself or others, and was released. 2) Since then, I have been seeing (semi-regularly) a GP and Psychiatrist to manage my issues. I am diagnosed as having ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Bipolar Disorder. I disagree strongly with the Bipolar Disorder diagnosis (it was slapped on me by an under-qualified mental health diagnostician so that I could be prescribed medication to manage my issues), as I do not fully meet the requirements. I have never once in my life experienced a true manic episode, nor have I had any psychotic/delusional episodes. Since the involuntary hold in North Carolina, I have not been an in-patient in any mental health facility or a mental health ward in a healthcare institution. 3) Given my continued visits to a Psychiatrist, my diagnoses, and the medications I am prescribed to treat those issues (one for the ADHD, one for the MDD/BP) -- do I need to answer yes to the mental health question? I am an out-patient of mental health treatment, but I have never been declared to be a threat to myself or anyone else. Quite the opposite, actually, as I had several GPs/Psychs dismiss my claims of depression/suicidal idealization. I was told that I was over-exaggerating my issues, just seeking attention, not actually capable of doing it, not a legitimate threat to myself, etc etc. Literally had a doc tell me that I just needed to "stop overthinking things" because I didn't have it as bad as others. 4) In 2012, my family took me to speak to a Drug and Alcohol Abuse counselor because I smoked pot and they thought I was "addicted". The DAA counselor cleared me of having a substance abuse issue, and even told me that he himself had used marijuana in his early twenties and that my use was not any cause for concern. 5) In 2013, I voluntarily met with an Employee Health counselor provided by my employer, as I was again struggling with my depression/anxiety issues (this was before I started on the medications I am currently taking). I told her that I had been having suicidal thoughts, but was again told that I was either over-exaggerating or just looking for attention, and that I wasn't a legitimate threat to myself. Shortly after that, I began the process of voluntarily admitting myself to a local mental health facility, but backed out of it before signing any paperwork. It had been a rash decision, one that was not necessary. I was told during the admission interview that my issues were not considered serious enough to require in-patient treatment (DENIED for in-patient treatment), and could be handled on a bi-weekly out-patient basis. I instead opted to meet with a psychiatrist at my primary healthcare facility. At that point, I began the proper course of medication, and have not since had any issues. What started as bi-monthly appointments with the psych has turned into once or twice a year, at most, and are really only medication check-ups/refills. Sorry, that was all long-winded. I just don't know where that line is drawn. I am not a threat to myself or others, and in-patient treatment has never been recommended or even suggested. Given the wording of the out-patient portion of the question ("AND a threat to self/others"), can I answer "no" to that question? Final question: Last August, I failed a pre-employment drug screen in Texas. I am a traveling contract employee, and take jobs all around the United States. Unfortunately, this facility required a second drug screen when I had arrived, and I had smoked marijuana a few days prior. The drug screen was in-facility and not sent off to a lab (I failed the initial dip test, and I denied my right to have it analyzed by a lab). The facility dropped my contract, and that was the end of that. If I mark "no" to having failed a drug test in the last year, will this come back to affect me? Should I just wait until this August to apply? This is the only drug test I've failed in the last 5 years, and I have no drug/alcohol related charges to my name. I have no criminal record, and the only thing on my record is a moving violation from 2011. Again, sorry for rehashing old questions, but I've spent hours scouring the net for answers and have been unable to find anything.
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