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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. Every day I see Tweet after Tweet of people who could not pass an 8th-grade civics class, these surveys are no different, our national education system is an utter failure on so many levels...
  2. Yes, she is the one who tossed his gun in a dumpster, then someone sent out the Secret Service to clean it up... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11738609/Maybe-asked-favor-Secret-Service-accused-cover-Hunter-Bidens-gun.html
  3. In general, a right should be nearly absolute until it directly infringes upon someone else's right and a compromise has to be established to preserve most of each party's conflicting rights and/or it's lost due to judicial adjudication, until that point a right should be nearly absolute or else it's not a right...
  4. I had the same thought, but no way denying firearm use to those under 18 is in line with Bruen precedent...
  5. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-09-13/9th-circuit-rules-california-ban-on-marketing-guns-to-minors-is-likely-unconstitutional
  6. Classic don't put all your eggs in one basket... Yes, it's wasteful, but as we have a long historical record to look at we can see that a plethora of gun cases arguing the same points never go anywhere, then all a sudden one comes out of the gates and shoots up the court ladder while all the rest still go nowhere... Just look at a case like Rahimi, of all the gun cases that have run up the court ladder and been presented to the Supreme Court, most would argue Rahimi was one of the most random and unexpected to make it, but here we are...
  7. This is going to get more interesting, the lawsuits are suing her in both official and individual capacities, so she has to defend herself or face a default judgment against her and the state that could be millions upon millions upon millions under the stripped qualified immunity laws they just recently passed...
  8. That is what I want to see, go after her in her individual capacity for deprivation of rights and financially destroy her and all involved to send a message to others that may be as dumb!
  9. So I read this article today, yeah I know it's from a UK media outlet, but it has been picked up by several US media outlets and republished, it irks me that an enumerated right is framed as Republican vs Democrat... And of course I just have to laugh when they bring up that some proclaim this will bring down violent crime, it's true 🤡🌎 mentality... https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/09/11/new-mexico-gun-ban-albuquerque-michelle-lujan-grisham/
  10. I got my paraphrase a little off as I was just casually listening, they left out crisis' but anyway they still called it a public health issue... I would personally call it more of a lack of education, and just like I preach that gun safety should be a mandatory school class every year, I also believe water safety which includes learning how to swim should also be mandatory in schools... https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/water-safety-stressed-in-wake-of-recent-lake-michigan-drownings/3224760/
  11. The 'public health crisis' spinword is spreading... I almost never watch the news, but the TV was still on after Football tonight and NBC News 5 just said that Lake Michigan drownings need to be treated/addressed as a 'public health crisis
  12. Just a thought, it might be a revealing and interesting FOIA to request all her communications associated with guns since the shooting of the 11-year-old child and her implementing this and post 72 hours of implementing it... I just can't help but wonder if this move was fed to her by one of the usual suspects...
  13. Yeah, she put herself in a pickle with a knee-jerk EO... If she was smart she would rescind the order ASAP and eat crow...
  14. I do wonder if she is actually stupid enough to dig her hole even deeper and send the police in to charge/arrest people... The civil liability against her and the officers could be epic since they have removed qualified immunity from police and public officials when rights are violated...
  15. Wait what? Did she (who took an oath to uphold the Constitution) just say that if we let elected officials like her do whatever they desire including disposing of protected civil rights, everyone would be safer? That is some epic retarded 🤡🌎 level stuff!
  16. I would argue she didn't go too far in their minds, but instead, they are really mad that she cut in line and revealed their playbook before they were ready to deploy it nationwide...
  17. One article I read said that only the state police would be enforcing this, with the city/county police proclaiming they are going to focus on actual crimes... What people should be terrified of is that if they are allowed to suspend the 2nd for health reasons then rights are no longer rights and any right can all be suspended by declaration...
  18. IMO the only reason the Supreme Court took Rahimi (what I consider a nuclear gun case) so soon after Bruen is to take a baseball bat to the lower courts that still refuse to figure it out after Heller/Bruen... I agree, but as I have said before, even though the 1983 statute was put in place for this very reason, the courts almost always and universally refuse to allow them to proceed against elected officials...
  19. Those who have been paying attention fully expected the "Health Emergency" angle to be invoked sooner rather than later as a new weapon to deny the right... I certainly hope no court entertains it as a law-abiding citizen carrying poses no heath threat to anyone! At least not a treat brought forth by the firearm, they still might have the sniffles or something...
  20. Just because a company makes a product that I might desire or could use does not make them "one of us"...
  21. Full damage control is now in progress! You can now apparently request they delete your combo from their database... At http://www.libertysafe.com/pages/combination-removal https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/gun-safe-company-backlash-providing-fbi-code-customers-safe
  22. Yep, on most consumer safes they are fortified for frontal attacks to the door, attack from the side and back and they are generally a lot easier to get into... I watched a video of a gun trying to crack open an ATM, he struggled trying to get into it from the front, then out of curiosity he rolled it over and attacked the back, and found out that he only had to cut a single layer of thin sheet metal and was able to pull out the cash drawers from the back with ease 🤣 And as you said if they have a warrant and you refuse to open it, they can break into it...
  23. Anyone who has full access can crack a consumer-grade analog safe in short, especially if they have no desire to not cause damage... Most can be cracked within minutes by simply drilling a small hole that allows an endoscope camera to get in there and see the gates... Beyond that if you hit up lock picking sites, you can find step by step instructions on how to crack many consumer analog safes or at least narrow down the combination to a manageable size that can be brute forced in short... Lots of exploits for digital ones as well especially if you have full access and can drill a hole to gain access to the actuator and manually trip it...
  24. I agree that there is only a small percentage of devoted antis out there, but the real problem we face is how strong the public interest argument is to many more and how much they are willing to give up and sacrifice their rights over feelings and emotions...
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