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Posts posted by TRJ

  1. and did someone write "permit to buy a pistol"?? WTH? I have never ever had to do that before..

    North Carolina has racist old laws that require you to have the sheriff sell you a pistol purchase permit and certify you are of good character before you can buy a handgun. This was just like FOID as a scheme to deny a class if people if their rights.

    The good news is that a NC carry permit negates the need for the permit. Rifles are cash and carry.


    So I'm out of here in December. I'll leave my FOID and FCCL with the local cops on the way out the door. Question. What happens then? Do they get "revoked"? If I ever needed to come back to Illinois (not planning this, but you know how life is) would I be able to apply for and receive a FOID, or would I have a revoked card in my history that would burn me going forward?


    When you apply for a DL in your new state they will cancel your IL DL with the ISP.

    That I turn triggers the ISP to cancel your FOID& FCCL.


    Sorry for all those abbreviations.

    My concern is the difference between revoked and canceled. Maybe I'm splitting hairs.
  3. There's also a follow up post in that thread (#22) that states this... I mailed them in on or about Nov 15.

    Today I got snail mail from ISP stating:

    This is to notify you that your Illinois Concealed Carry License is hereby CANCELLED for the following reason(s): Applicant contacted Firearms Services Bureau and advised that he/she moved out of state.

    So obviously they received my CCL and FOID, and my cover letter stating that I had moved.

  4. How long until we have a National FOID?

    Would it work?


    There should be no cost for internet verification of the buyer.

    It should eliminate all waiting periods nationwide once the check is approved.

    It should allow the holder to buy any gun in person anywhere in the US.


    The other 49 states would be p*****...

    I see this as a distinct possibility within 10 years, after modern sporting rifles are banned in some fashion.


    The way I see it, this case may go two ways:


    1. Partial strike down = FOID continues to exist, but ONLY as a permit to purchase and NOT a requisite for mere possession


    2. Full strike down = no more FOID


    In the case of the second scenario, many problems would arise (can't list them here though)

    What is your single, worst case scenario, if a "Full strike down" happens?


    Unfortunately, I think it falls under the advise we get to not discuss specifics of things of this nature openly on the board.

    Perhaps it would suffice to say that everything "gun and ammunition" in Illinois is woven through the FOID laws so CCL, purchase, possession, records management etc would all need to be re-worked. Our current legislature would be all too happy to re-work FOID restrictions and fee schedules into something else that just barely passes muster with the court and further screws the law abiding.

  6. The longer I stay in this state the less faith I have in the process. Exposing their lies means exactly what. Nobody cares. Willis and Harmon both blatantly lie to their fellow legislators, their constituents, and the public in it's entirety. There is no honor. There's just winning at any cost. Knowing that Satan has a special place for them later isn't as fun to think about as it used to be now that their making serious infringements instead of just the little nibbles here and there.



    And not at all who they were trying to target.


    It's EXACTLY who they were trying to target. They know criminals don't buy guns through an FFL, so the law was never intended to stop any crime. They're purposely making it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns. End around gun control. It's an incremental step.

    In debate, on this or possibly an earlier bill, Senator Harmon mentioned that there are a few stores in the Chicago area toward which he would have liked to direct the legislation, but couldn't legally do so.
    So naturally, the thing to do in that situation is penalize everyone.
  8. Do county sheriffs in any circumstance help with traces? Or is it all ATF field agents? What if the ATF field agent was worried of the risk, would they roll up with local police or federal agents?


    If it was a trace investigation using heavy handed tactics would Cook County and the ATF be able to investigate outside of Cooks jurisdiction?


    Very likely this might of been a tactic to talk you into consenting to a search or give up information without a warrant or detainment.



    I think this is what happened.


    They are supposed to go with a local LEO agency, but naturally they skipped that part because they were likely planning on acting a bit outside the law on the visit to his house.


    Reminder. Keep your gun records away from your gun safe. Last thing you'd want to do is open your safe for records and show off your iron to prying eyes.



    There's this thing called jurisdictions. A Cook County Sheriff has no ability to serve notice or arrest outside of the jurisdiction of the office they represent. They can only retain powers while in fresh pursuit or if acting on a call for assistance from an agency with jurisdiction. Personally, I'd make a royal stink about it with local PD.

    If I recall correctly, one of our members had cops from another jurisdiction show up on his door to confiscate his guns. He dialed Todd and added them the phone. When Todd was thru with them they handed the phone earlier back and slicked away.


    Do you have a link to that?


    No, it was a while ago and doesn't come up in a search. Maybe the guy it happened to would want to tell the story again, or not. I'll leave it up to him.


    It happened to a member whose firearm had been stolen and turned up in the city. Chicago PD traced the firearm back to him and came calling with a list of other firearms he had purchased and wanted to see them.


    This situation is different. Main thing is that his FOID is still valid and has not been revoked.

    OK that's still stinking garbage. Where exactly did they get a list? Unless he was a Chicago resident and registered them with city hall at some point they shouldn't have any way to compile a list.

    If Chicago police came to Dupage and rang my bell...I wouldn't answer. I don't answer my door for anybody who hasn't called first. I might call 911 and have my local PD intercept them though. I'd bet they wouldn't be too happy about CPD making housecalls here.

  10. There's this thing called jurisdictions. A Cook County Sheriff has no ability to serve notice or arrest outside of the jurisdiction of the office they represent. They can only retain powers while in fresh pursuit or if acting on a call for assistance from an agency with jurisdiction.

    Personally, I'd make a royal stink about it with local PD.


    Just curious, is there anything you can recall that outed you as a gun owner to neighbors who might disapprove? NRA sticker on your car? Wearing gun guy t shirts? I don't call 911 sign on house? I'm thinking this isn't a prank, but you were targeted for harassment.

    Going further...is there someone who might want to harm you or your family members but knows you're armed and needs to disarm you before moving forward? Might be time to talk to police about that ex boyfriend of your daughter's or something.

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