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Everything posted by Gamma

  1. It already exists, sort of. I mean the FBI has a file on everyone already and all the disqualifying info is supposed to be correlated. People don't have a card but all the backend info is there. Illinois has all the same, the machinations of the physical FOID cards are just a silly game. It's all tied to state DL/ID cards anyway, it would be trivial and save millions of dollars to do away with the FOID "system". At this point it's all a show to keep up appearances and maintain power by playing games with a physical card. It's like fingerprinting, they make a big stink out of it, but already have facial recognition on everyone already so why bother? Just another game to distract people.
  2. With the change in the law, you don't have to have physical possession of the FOID as long as you have the CCL, so many leave them at home in the safe or whatever. I'd do some more checking, to make absolutely sure that you can't locate it, before you start down the path of replacing it. Someone else may be along with recent experience of what will happen if you report the FOID lost. Out of curiosity how far away is your FOID renewal date? At one time, I think that reporting FOID as lost or stolen got the CCL revoked, and after a couple month wait for the FOID replacement, you could start the couple year appeal process to get the CCL reinstated. Hopefully it's not that bad anymore.
  3. Doesn't really matter who his friends were. The only way I know of that he could've carried in IL is if he were former/retired LEO, in which case the Utah permit wouldn't matter. Unless you can cite the IL law that allowed him to carry on a Utah permit, I stand by my previous statement. There is so much folklore and mythology about all things firearms that it's mind boggling. I've met many who believed that out-of-state carry permits allowed them to carry anywhere, just as drivers licenses are recognized everywhere.
  4. My recent renewal took well over 30 days and even went 1 day over the expiration date. Card went active the day after.
  5. Involuntary commitment is a lifetime ban, so if you were NOT involuntarily committed, you will have to do whatever is necessary to get that corrected. Voluntary commitment is a 5 year ban in Illinois. Get far away from the cannabis card ASAP if you have any aspirations of restoring and retaining your firearms rights.
  6. I was about to post this, it was discussed on another forum. It's too bad they couldn't have filed the non-resident carry ban litigation in this judge's district. There's a lot of red meat in the decision for gun rights proponents, but there's a great quote that deserves notice: Overbroad policies ignoring a Constitutional Amendment describes the entirety of Illinois firearms law and regulatory agency attitude.
  7. Texas resident + Illinois non-resident would also get you a few extra states for reciprocity coverage vs having an Illinois resident CCL + Texas non-resident, if that matters to you. The states I see are Colorado, South Carolina and Florida. If you had no other carry license than IL you'd lose several states vs a Texas license.
  8. It's 60 days to apply for a FOID after establishing IL residency (ie, getting an IL drivers license or state ID card). 8 hours training will be required which is the legal stuff, safety stuff and live fire qualification. Would strongly advise getting the training first then applying for FOID and CCL simultaneously as the most expedient process. If you apply separately then you have to wait for the FOID to complete before applying for CCL or all kinds of mayhem may ensue. Although an alternative would be to just maintain your TX residency, as TX is one of the few states where residents are allowed to apply for IL carry licenses. If you have a TX license, you just need the 8 hour training and then can apply for an IL carry license either before or after moving here. Do not need a FOID unless you are an IL resident.
  9. I *think* you have 60 days from the time you change residence to obtain a FOID, until then you are ok with your firearms at home. If you did the simultaneous FOID/CCL application with fingerprints you would probably have both before 60 days are up. I would not get IL DL until you had the CCL class out of the way and ready to proceed with the applications.
  10. I will reiterate, call your state rep or state senator's office. They can and will get an answer.
  11. If they won't sell you ammo, it's their store policy not the law.
  12. What will best speed up the process is to get your CCL class taken ahead of time. After getting your IL DL, like the next day apply for BOTH FOID and CCL at the same time. That will likely take 30+ days off the time needed for the carry license. If you don't apply simultaneously, it appears that they wait until the FOID is issued before starting the CCL clock. Fingerprints with the CCL application are optional but will likely take 30+ days off that application wait. If NC will cancel your license when you change residence, you might want to pick up a Florida or some other non-resident license beforehand so you'll at least have something in the gap time if you have to travel anywhere.
  13. Call your state representatives office. It's not that the ISP can't correct screw ups, they just don't have any motivation to, until someone further up the food chain starts calling.
  14. Mental health providers in Illinois are required to report their patients to the ISP.
  15. This is a possibility. Someone has stolen her identity and got a replacement DL in her name with their own photo. Or just a computer screw up somewhere. But the ID theft angle needs to be checked out ASAP.
  16. If you know they lie, why are you taking legal advice from them? You've been on this site for a year yet believe that you can't even transport a firearm? Pretty much everything you said is wrong. If it was your home you could carry concealed. Since it's a common area of an apartment I'm not sure how that would be interpreted. If you get a carry license, then your problem would be solved. I would stridently suggest avoiding open carry regardless of the legality, since you're obviously in an area with hostile criminals as well as LE that are hostile to firearms rights.
  17. There should not be a "federal concealed carry law", any more than what already exists. What we should get, and that there are already bills for, and that Trump has said he supports, is nationwide recognition. Such that all states have to do like say Missouri or Indiana do and just recognize all permits for non-residents. The worst they can do is limit recognition to permits that meet some set of criteria. If that happens, expect states like Indiana to follow the lead of states like Idaho that have an optional "enhanced" permit that meets the standards. Pretty confident that Illinois will meet whatever standard out of the gate. Look at how LEOSA is set up, this is not rocket science, this road is already built. There will not be federal concealed carry permits.
  18. Both Alabama and Arkansas recognize all permits (resident or non-resident) for all visitors to their states. US CCA's website is wrong and should be disregarded. I would suggest http://handgunlaw.us/as the most consistently correct source of information which also includes links to state information pages. USA Carry's interactive map is better for multiple permits. http://ago.alabama.gov/Page-Gun-Reprocity-Law http://asp.arkansas.gov/services-and-programs/detail/concealed-handgun-licensing
  19. Yes all legal firearms owners in Illinois get background checked on a daily basis. Yet the activists on the left seem to think more background checks will somehow stop crime. And we still have waiting periods on firearms purchases.
  20. Illinois doesn't care in the least if any other state recognizes their licenses. As I mentioned in the other thread on the survey, the survey questions do not match up with what is stated in the Admin code. The 5 year voluntary mental health thing is not in the statute, it's an invention of the administrative rules. The 5 year restriction are on those in residential or court ordered substance abuse treatment. "Substantially similar" is not defined in the statute and is an invention of the administrative rules. The statute DOES say, with regards to non-resident applicants: Which is not being performed AFAIK. This part of the statute would seem to establish the legislative intent for dealing with mental health for non-resident license applicants which is not being followed in the process invented in the admin code. Also note that the requirement is to meet the requirements to obtain a firearm in Illinois (FOID), not to carry a firearm. This may have been an oversight by the legislature, but that's what the law says.
  21. Virgina's change to "recognize all permits" goes into effect today (July 1, 2016).
  22. West Virginia "constitutional carry" took effect yesterday. Must be 21 or older, 18-20 still needs a recognized permit.
  23. I agree - either eliminate the FOID completely or stay a two card system. CCL should NOT be used for anything other than to allow CC. Actually the current system is the best. CCL is both CCL and FOID, and then a separate FOID card. Carry the CCL card, leave the FOID somewhere safe.
  24. We don't want that for a variety of reasons. The current system is the best of the available options, as long as we're still dealing with FOID and CCL.
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