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I stuck around here after grad school because my dad was sick otherwise I would've been gone. Now I'm talking to friends in other, more solvent states about moving. Arizona....sucks for employment. Got a buddy who wants me to come to VA and work for the DoD...once you do government accounting you get blacklisted from public firms. Still considering Indiana, Wisconsin, or even a short hop over to Iowa. This state is going down and soon. I do not wanna be around when that happens.


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My job is here. My family and friends are here and a few people depend on me. My skill set is such that I just can't pick up and go do this in Texas, Indiana or Iowa and have the same effect or make the same money. Until retirement, I'm trapped. My wife won't leave until the kids are out of college and settled. she is fearful that they will come back here and having lived 6 hours from her parents most of her life doesn't want to replicate that with our kids. so like I said I'm stuck. But maybe Bud will let me have a room at his place for the weeks I might be able to disappear. . .

Same boat here, except my job wont allow me to leave the city of Chicago. I could get another similar job but I would take about a $30k pay cut at this point and the fact that I am helping my dad out by buying him and my mom medical insurance so he can finally retire means im stuck in a city I despise for the next 14 years and 3 months....

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I stuck around here after grad school because my dad was sick otherwise I would've been gone. Now I'm talking to friends in other, more solvent states about moving. Arizona....sucks for employment. Got a buddy who wants me to come to VA and work for the DoD...once you do government accounting you get blacklisted from public firms. Still considering Indiana, Wisconsin, or even a short hop over to Iowa. This state is going down and soon. I do not wanna be around when that happens.


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That is because they do not want to have to retrain you to count properly, as in 2+2=4.

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Hahaha. Public firms will pidgeonhole anyone who began in government. Government accounting is so screwed up. It has a totally different set of rules. The FASB sets public rules, GASB sets government. If you've ever taken a basic financial accounting course, then you know what a statement of cash flows looks like as prepared under GAAP. The government equivalent, TOTALLY different. IFRS is even messed up.


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