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Gun tax failure ATTN: Chicago


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The violence that continues to plague Chicago could use some serious help. Chicago pol's love new tax increases. I hope they notice what is happening in Seattle. As if we need more taxes, or more murder.



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The worst part of that story is how they are all actually pretending these kinds of laws come from a legitimate place. Gee I wonder why the "research into gun violence" isn't helping anyone solve the problem of street gangs and cultural decay among certain groups of people.

These laws are ONLY put into place to tax gun owners so they buy less guns and hurt gun retailers to hopefully push them out of business.. Its not about anything else.


The people that propose these laws know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it. They can't ban all the guns or get the laws passed they really want, so they will do whatever they can to make the political opposition pay. Behind every one of those leeches is the Democratic parties agenda and anti gun money. Stories like this just show you why this country is falling apart.


When members of govermnt or an entire governmental system exists solely to oppress the people it governs this what you get. And then to put the cherry on top they lie to our faces about while they are doing it saying it's "for the children" or "to fund gun violence research".

The only people who I despise more are the morons among my fellow Americans who are so stupid that they take these vermin at face value when they peddle that bullstuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

But...what if we make the tax $50? $100? If $25 isn't working, that's just because we haven't been trying hard enough or long enough. Or...just imagine how much worse the increases in violence would have been if we HADN'T enacted these strong common-sense measures! Right? Can I get an "Amen"???

Tell that to Cabelas...

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In selling his gun tax to the public, Burgess predicted it would generate between $300,000 and $500,000 annually. The money would be used to study the root causes of gun violence in hopes of reducing the costs to taxpayers.


The root causes are leftist politicians who are trying to rip the 2A to shreds. There, saved $500K that would have went to cronies. No need for the tax now.


Oh wait, I just talked common sense. Something antithetical to leftist politicians.

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au contraire. it's working, just not well enough. the obvious answer is to refine the tax model until desired results are achieved. they should make the taxes higher. surely that will have a greater effect. we are doing it right, we just need to do MORE of it.


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But...what if we make the tax $50? $100? If $25 isn't working, that's just because we haven't been trying hard enough or long enough. Or...just imagine how much worse the increases in violence would have been if we HADN'T enacted these strong common-sense measures! Right? Can I get an "Amen"???


The cronies say "Amen" :)

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