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Mr. Fife

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  1. If it went to court and the judge ruled in favor of the out of state CCL holder, it would set a precedent that they don't want in Illinois. Similar to how before McDonald v. City of Chicago, despite a complete ban on handguns, nobody was ever charged for defending their home with a gun.
  2. Stay strong Todd. Thanks for the video. Sunnier days are coming soon. Your sweater looks warm and tactical, even if it's blueish 🙂
  3. I would have looked earlier except that everything of mine is Cook County legal so I didn't look through the law until I saw your "walking around" comment. I thought guns and their magazines fell under the Concealed Carry Act.
  4. Can you point out where it says you can't walk around with a pistol, like an XDM in this example, with a 16 round mag loaded? I'm have trouble locating something like that in the PiCA text. Thanks in advance.
  5. When I first had to register a handgun, it was when Chicago had it's "Chicago Handgun Permit". I think there was a magazine limit back then, so I had to register my pistol with 10 round magazines. I think I also registered a six round revolver, and a 30-30 with a fixed magazine, all legal for Chicago. Since then I added a pump shotgun to my collection and have been confident in my security, but dammit when I move out of Illinois I will own every scary gun that is legal for where I end up moving too, lol. I can't remember if I had to pay to register my guns, I think not, but if I did I would like some recourse to get my money back. This was a long time ago, we've come a long way.
  6. I have several lodge, a couple of skillets and a boy scout style dutch oven. I've kind of become hooked on reading the reddit group r/castiron lately. So at my walk to Aldi's last week I stopped at the thrift store and brought home a skillet I found for $6 made my Ruff Hewn. I know the brand is nothing special, but I will use it as my first experiment in lye bath stripping, electrolysis, and rust removal. I think I would like to build a nice collection to hang on a wall when I get my own barn someday. Lodge is very affordable and is all I use for cooking, but I'm jealous of some barn wall displays I've been seeing in that group. It looks like it could turn out to be a satisfying hobby.
  7. I can't wait till I finally move out of Illinois. On my first day out I will one or two of everything I can't have here now. Why? Just because. Maybe I'll have the space/ distance when I move and they will be more useful for me. Or maybe they will just sit on a wall next to my cast iron frying pan collection. I don't have the frying pan collection yet, even though it's not illegal to have one AFAIK. Anyway, looking forward to goodbye, and to thank for the fish, or lack of lol.
  8. Mr. Fife

    Gun safe purchase

    You could probably fill the PVC pipes with concrete and let them dry for a while. Edit. Scrap iron black pipe or similar would probably work too. Not sure is the Egyptians had ball bearings, pinball was probably not invented yet.
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