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something has to give?

By Greg Evensen

March 5, 2009






I have just finished watching two of my favorite motion pictures, “The Patriot” with Mel Gibson and “Red Dawn.” Although produced in liberal Hollywood, they did capture—in our imaginations—at least, the view that some Americans, at the time when their country and countrymen needed them the most, responded courageously to tyranny and evil with personal determination and great sacrifice.


Collectively, we are brutally aware of the death of our once great Republic over the past few decades, slowly at first, and then with a swiftness that takes your breath away. We have seen a vital, productive, and unique culture raped, pillaged, and brutalized by the most traitorous group of government and business officials ever assembled. These blathering idiots have taken the nation from riches, glory, and moral leadership, to the depths of despair, poverty and lawlessness. Our nation has been used to kill and maim on a scale that deserves no justification or excuse. We continue to support evil regimes that keep the Mideast in turmoil and in suffering that knows no end. After generations of resisting communism, we have allowed a socialist foreign national to become president. We have worshipped this false god in the White House and allowed him and his collaborators to steal our destiny with worthless trillions issued by organized crime banking families at the private Federal Reserve.


As a result of Washington’s declaration of economic, political, cultural, and psychological war on the citizens of this nation, we all have to contemplate the words of our original Declaration of Independence, and what may have to be considered as our collective response to this outrageous and wholly unacceptable chain of events in our beloved land.


Let me be more specific. The events of the past six months have necessitated that we plan for immediate action against the maniacs running the government in Washington and a few of the states as well. As I see it, we have been forced to plan for any number of possibilities as a result of this theft of our Republic. The options are limited and fall into two categories of response.


The first is relatively peaceful and has some limited potential for success. It would include the reassertion of solid state sovereignty bills as have been introduced by at least 20 states (at this writing). Such a move would shut out the government’s attempts to force states to sign on to this socialist nonsense in the guise of “change” by comrade Obama. It would also recapture much lost ground in the battle to allow citizens and their respective states to plan for and pursue true Republic ideals. It would build a wall of separation from the power mad traitors in Washington that has not been present or workable since the early days of this nation. Lastly, it could diffuse any attempts by Washington to invade the states (remember 1861?) for daring to chart their own destiny. At that point, the criminal Obama, like the criminal Lincoln, would be facing an armed populace that would not be fighting over a contrived justification (black slavery), but would be in armed rebellion against the global elite’s well underway plan for national slavery.


However, I believe that failing the efforts of the several states to “fight the government” through 10th amendment legislation, the second alternative would meet the test of our original Declaration of Independence. In that regard, I believe that the time to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants” has arrived. This reality is no longer in doubt. It is not the wild ranting of a few paranoid gun nuts, either. Millions of citizens, police officers and military troops have been converted to the fact that our nation has succumbed to decades of treason and a sell-out to international conspiracies by our own government that has brought us to this moment. The people of the United States of America did not go out looking for trouble. They did not conspire to resist a central government so cold and intimidating as to rival the Third Reich, the Kremlin, Beijing, or Tel Aviv. Quite the contrary, Americans have endured—as our Declaration stated, “a long train of abuses…” that have delivered us to the doorstep of rebellion once again.

When you are being victimized, bullied, forced into desperation by the acts of someone else, you are more than justified in resisting with all of your ability and with any weapon at your disposal for as long as it takes to win. Likewise, we must return this government to real benevolence and moral, legal authority under the constitution. It is as simple as that. We have the right, indeed the obligation to THROW OFF this government and to do so with no goal but that of absolute victory and vindication for true patriots who have faithfully stood guard over the founder’s precepts. Others among us will have to be dealt with. Choices will have to be made by many. Changes will be reinstituted that reflect our nation’s moral absolutes as enacted by Christian men and women who will honor the precepts of a Godly national heritage. We have not been a “nation under God” for many generations. To claim God’s blessings while we scorn His righteous standards is the ultimate hypocrisy. The Pledge and one nation “under God,” or money with “In God we trust,” are all relics of a past we no longer occupy. Until we drastically change our hearts and lives, let’s not further erode our credibility with God, with each other or a watching world.

Read this most carefully. I do NOT advocate armed REBELLION. I DO advocate armed self-defense of our lives, families, homes, properties, assets, and a truly constitutionally lawful nation. I advocate an uncompromising demand of the federal government to relinquish their immoral and unlawful plan to bankrupt, destroy and condemn this nation to living as a P.O.W. of the New World Order. I further advocate complete defiance in the face of usurpers masquerading as legislators, who have stolen and robbed our nation through force, (unread and undisclosed law) by a completely corrupt and dangerous federal bureaucracy. IF THE GOVERNMENT FAILS TO RESPOND OR DENIES OUR DEMANDS, THEN----IT IS TIME TO FIGHT!! It is way past time to take our Republic back!!


Whether you are part of a state militia, a minuteman type organization, a posse where called by courageous and constitutionally literate county sheriffs, or simply citizen soldiers who heed the call to defend the nation, you must answer the call to duty that has been sounded.


Texas may be the first battleground state in this second war for independence. The all-out war that has erupted there pitting the Mexican police, Mexican nationals, and border residents in the states against the most ruthless gang of drug pirates and thugs to ever assemble is underway.


The United States government has chosen to abandon its first obligation to the people, that is, the defense of the borders and security for its citizens. It is the chief reason government exists at all. The ignorant and failed president George W. Bush let our borders languish for eight long years. The sex pervert Bill Clinton did the same for eight more years. CFR insider and CIA stooge George H.W. Bush did no better. They all did it because it was a planned conspiracy by the Globalists to merge our North American nations after destroying them from within. And now we have the savior of the socialist world, Barack (foreign born, one-world advocate, baby killing, terrorist coddling, black radical following, CFR team leader) Obama selling out not only our nation, but our borders as well.

Since the lesbian witchcraft queen at the state department sold what was left of the USA to China, we have now been carefully positioned in the middle of the bull’s eye. Really, they have all made it much easier for us. As General Anthony McAuliffe said during WWII when cut off by the Germans. “Surrounded? Now I can fire in all directions at once.”


Who is the enemy? I’ll tell you again precisely who they are. It is any and every last person who advocates for one world rule. It is every last politician who has voted to bankrupt this nation “legally” through bailouts and sellouts across the board. It is also every last person in this country who has signed on to the support of socialism, or has profited from the financial ruin of hardworking citizens. It is the purveyor of drug smuggling, pornography, and the groups who justify lifestyle perversion. It is the thieving business owner and the pharmaceutical killers who have turned many of us into drug addicts. Further, it is the dumbed down public school teacher and corrupted lawyer, as well as the church leader who hasn’t opened a Bible or preached anything worthwhile in a decade.

Lastly, it is any of the rest of us who have been too cowardly to do anything except complain, lie to others, and deceive ourselves into believing that the government is the answer for everything. It is time to draw those battle lines deep in the heart and soul of every patriotic American who will answer the call to now end the tyranny that has choked us for decades.

So, you don’t like what I have said? Then you should know which side of the line you are on. Are you intellectually capable of understanding that we are in a state of war? Your job, your family, your home, your community, your nation and your ultimate destiny are on the line at this moment. Unless you are willing to change your attitudes, your allegiances, your lifestyle and your heart, you are a future casualty. You will leave the rest of us, but that will be your choice. To stay behind and expect the rest of us to do your work while you support this criminal regime is the ultimate betrayal of your fellow citizens.


To fight along side the Texans or other besieged Americans at the latest version of the Alamo is what it is all about. To take on the Global Elites and their ilk wherever they may be found is the most honorable thing we can do on behalf of our nation, at this appointed time in history.


The time is now. The objective is clear. The way is most difficult. The goal is honorable and necessary. The alternative is unthinkable. Are you ready? Then take on the full armor of God. Steady……..FREEDOM!

© 2009 Greg Evensen - All Rights Reserved

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