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Mass Shootings are not in fact, on the rise


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What is on the rise is the media's sensationalizing of these events.


That is exactly what I admonish my ostensible journalism colleagues about. I have made this point before numerous times, but they don't want to consider that they are complicit in both providing notoriety and possibly being an instigator of copycats. Very disingenuous of them.

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What's on the rise are false flags and staged massacres designed to scare us into giving up our guns. Unfortunately for the would-be tyrants, Americans aren't quite as easy to disarm and subdue as Europeans. And if the overall response to the Las Vegas shooting narrative is any indication, our country is collectively waking up to the underlying threat here.


They know they can't just come take our guns from us without starting a civil war (not that I think Trump has any desire to infringe on our constitutional rights). The only way they could effectively disarm us is by tricking us into believing that gun control is the right answer. Once we let them get their foot in that door, it will increase little by little as they "prove" existing gun control laws to be ineffective by staging more and more attacks. How often do you hear people talk about the non-existent "gun show loophole"? How often do you hear people ignorantly talk about silencers as though they actually silence guns? Even Hillary herself tweeted out something to the extent of "how much worse would the shooting have been if he had used silencers?" I don't believe these people are so uninformed that they actually believe silencers silence firearms. Some of them, maybe, but the biggest mistake we can make is underestimating our opponents and dismissing them as stupid. The problem is that there is so much ignorance in the general public for them to use to their advantage.


Most people don't see this for what it is (at least not consciously), but they're utilizing another tactic to deepen the social divide and instill a fear of guns and gun owners. Let's look back on our country's [alleged] mass shootings (most of which I believe were staged, but that's up to you to determine for yourself). Across the board, the [alleged] perpetrators were... white. As it has [allegedly] happened again and again, they've been able to reinforce this idea that white people (specifically white men) are mentally unstable and prone to extreme violence. This is one of the most powerful tools they have in their arsenal, as race relations are the worst they've been in decades, thanks to Obummer. They're the worst they've been in my entire life, and this is only making things worse.


Our only hope is for us to collectively blow the lid off the Vegas shooting. Once the "conspiracies" stop carrying the stigma of being "conspiracies", people will start to see what's really going on in our nation, and hopefully re-align themselves with the side of good.

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