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  1. You are exactly right! We have gotten NOTHING out of these law suits so far except the run around and still getting screwed out of our rights.
  2. I won't be holding my breath! Hoping with fingers crossed, but not really expecting
  3. One thing they could do is when the lower courts fail to abide by their ruling, over turn it immediately and tell them to actually read the ruling. Stop dragging their feet on whether or not they will even hear it. The crap going on in Illinois should have been tossed already and the USSC should have already ruled it was unconstitutional. Plus, you going to tell me that every other court in this country can hold someone in contempt except the Supreme Court???? Rule them on contempt and send the US Marshals to enforce it.
  4. What is hurting them (in my opinion) is that they refuse to enforce the rulings they make. The lower courts just thumb their noses at them. The legislatures (state and federal) thumb their noses at them. Even biteme is doing it with the loan forgiveness. They need to grow a back bone and start backing their decisions with something besides a piece of worthless paper and makes them nothing but a joke
  5. Is it just me or are folks just getting stupider and stupider????? Common sense would say it would be very stupid to put on a mask and charge into a public place with something that looks like a gun and do an "assassination'". ESPECIALLY in a local that has concealed carry!
  6. IF it is NOT the current law, then how can they "make" law or "change" law? Does that not require congress to act??
  7. another meeting about the meeting about the meeting about having a meeting about the meeting
  8. This has NEVER made sense to me. How can it be unconstitutional for one person but not for everyone one else? Doesn't that violate equal protection under the law?????? So their rights are more important than mine???? IF it is unconstitutional for ONE it is unconstitutional for ALL!
  9. Look for them to slip it in right at the last minute to fast track it through in the dead of the night. Then tie it up in court for 10 years
  10. A right delayed is a right denied! Time to stop kicking this down the road and start throwing these unconstitutional laws out
  11. If you think the liberal socialist commies will except this you need to buy a better quality of drugs! The more they lose the more desperate they get the more outlandish/illegal/unconstitutional their attempts will get. I am worried that Trumps very life is in danger!
  12. It is way passed time for the Supreme Court to end this crap and rule that since Trump has not been charged with committing insurrection let a lone convicted of it! They are dragging their feet just like they are with the weapon ban crapola
  13. I won't disagree that the maggot deserved to get shot in the butt; but per law, not justified unless there is something we don't know.
  14. Which doe NOT apply to this situation! SO again I say he would have to convince the jury he was in fear for his life or serious bodily injury (or such to a third person)
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