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Call to Action 10/20/2017 - Phone Calls & Witness Slips Needed!


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Call to Action

Witness Slips & Phone Calls Needed

Witness Slip Instructions

October 24, 2017!

Less than one week away!


The 2017 Fall Veto Session is upon us!

This year it brings the threat of firearm bans, firearm accessory bans, reactive target bans, and the renewed threat of gun dealer licensing meant to close Illinois gun stores!

HB4107 Assault Weapons Ban is a comprehensive bill prohibiting the possession of most semi-automatic firearms and trigger modifications. Offered by Representative Martin Moylan, the language tramples the rights of law abiding gun owners and is blind to the needs of disabled gun owners who often require a lightened trigger in order to fully exercise their rights.

HB4112 Bump Stock Ban, offered by Attorney General candidate Representative Scott Drury, any device designed to accelerate the rate of fire of any semi-auto rifle. Even possession of lubricants could be illegal under this bill.

HB4117 Trigger Mod; Pre Pack Explosive, another one of Representative Moylan's bills, would ban trigger modification devices and reactive targets such as Tannerite.

SB236 Safety Tech, an amended Senate bill hoping to ban most semi-auto firearms and a variety of accessories, was introduced by Senator Morrison.

In addition to these, Representative Kathleen Willis is again poised to move SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing through the House. Because of your efforts this bill was stalled at third reading in the Spring Session. It once again rears its ugly head and, if passed, will put scores of Illinois gun dealers out of business!

Call Your State Legislators!

Please begin calling your State Representatives and State Senators. Politely urge them to oppose the bills listed above and to:

VOTE AGAINST any bill banning firearms

VOTE AGAINST any bill banning firearm accessories

VOTE AGAINST any bill designed to regulate dealers at the state level

Contact information can be found here.

Witness Slips Are Also Needed!

Please also take a few additional minutes to file witness on the three bills and one resolution listed below.

Remember to log in to your account first, if you have one!

File Witness Slips Now!

To avoid having to complete each field manually, Log on to your ILGA Dashboard (or Create a New Account if you have not already done so) then return to this email and click on the links for each witness slip. If you do not wish to create an account, simply click on each witness slip link and complete the required fields manually:

I, IDENTIFICATION: Enter your personal information. Enter "NA" for the Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields unless you are officially representing an organization.

II. REPRESENTATION: Enter "Myself" unless representing an organization.

III. POSITION: Unless instructed otherwise for a particular bill leave the description field at its default value "Original Bill". Indicate your position by selecting the "Proponent" or "Opponent" radio button.

IV. TESTIMONY: Select the "Record of Appearance Only" radio button.

If filing manually, complete the Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.

Then click Create Slip.



HB4107 Assault Weapons Ban – Opponent

HB4112 Bump Stock Ban - Opponent

HB4117 Trigger Mod; Tannerite Ban - Opponent


HJR70 National Concealed Carry - Proponent

Witness Slips Can Be Tracked Here:

HB4107 Assault Weapons Ban – Opponent

HB4112 Bump Stock Ban - Opponent

HB4117 Trigger Mod, Tannerite Ban - Opponent

HJR70 National Concealed Carry - Proponent

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SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing is at 3rd reading so we need to contact our representatives to voice our opposition correct?


It's out of committee so there won't be any more opportunities to file witness slips against it right ?



SB236 too. It's a shell bill at 3rd reading with an anti-gun amendment that could go right from Assignments to the floor.

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Just filed. Upon trying to view, none of the votes are viewable. I'm sure it's just another minor technical glitch brought to us by the highly efficient state-of-the-art computerized infrastructure so characteristic of Illinois government.

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SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing is at 3rd reading so we need to contact our representatives to voice our opposition correct?


It's out of committee so there won't be any more opportunities to file witness slips against it right ?



SB236 too. It's a shell bill at 3rd reading with an anti-gun amendment that could go right from Assignments to the floor.


Does anybody have a link to create a Witness Slip for SB236? Thanks

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SB1657 Gun Dealer Licensing is at 3rd reading so we need to contact our representatives to voice our opposition correct?


It's out of committee so there won't be any more opportunities to file witness slips against it right ?



SB236 too. It's a shell bill at 3rd reading with an anti-gun amendment that could go right from Assignments to the floor.

Does anybody have a link to create a Witness Slip for SB236? Thanks
Because it is replacing text in a shell bill that has already moved to 3rd floor reading, there is currently no committee hearing and thus no witness slips to be filed.
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Just a tip, if you want to see if you have a witness slip on record for the current crop of bills, in mauserme's "Call to Action" thread, you can click on the tracking link under "Witness Slips Can Be Tracked Here:", once you are one the correct tab on the Witness Slip Information page as far as being a proponent or opponent, click the link "Witness Slips - Printer Friendly". The printer friendly version of the list puts all the names on one page. You can then use the search function of your browser to find your name. You can also just click on the word "Name" in the Name column to sort the names alphabetically by first name and just scroll until you find your name, or at least the place were your name should be... I think the browser search function is better in case you inadvertently put a space in front of your name or something, the browser search function will still find your name.

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