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Illinois General Assembly 4/27/2017


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"With leave of the body, we'll return to 1657". Trying to blow through as many with no opposition as possible before getting bogged down with discussion. Or, they don't have the votes.

I'm not sure how to read it. Senator Harmon's in the Chair. If he retires to the floor we'll probably see some action.


Good point.

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Senator Rose adds that he represents a lot of business owners trying to compete against big box stores. He notes the irony of Chicago doing everything they can to keep Walmart out of the city but now promotes a bill giving them a competitive advantage over smaller dealers.


He also dispels the myth that gun dealers aren't already licensed.

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Senator Rose explains gun raffles as fund raisers for local groups. He explains that at every event he's seen, federally licensed dealers complete the transaction - without exception.


He adds that he understands the sponsor wants to represent the "big boys", but he (Senator Rose) doesn't represent the big boys. He represents the moms and pops putting food on the table.

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Senator Anderson asks when we will acknowledge that more regulation isn't the answer to violence. He states that Illinois has more gun regulation than almost anywhere else. That guns bought legally are not being used in crime.


He suggests that "if you want to vote for this bill for whatever reason you have" go right ahead, but don't say it's to reduce gun crime.

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Senator McCarter asks about the fee schedule.

Senator Harmon says that although the fees are not specified in the bill he doesn't think they' be very high.

Senator McCarter says this is a problem, especially for small gun dealers. He adds that criminals are not going to these small dealers to buy guns. These dealers are just trying to make a living.

He adds that just because gun violence hasn't touched his family directly, that doesn't mean he's tolerant of the violence, but that he has to protect the businesses in his district.

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Senator McConchie asks the sponsor how many guns the 40% he mentioned earlier actually is.


Senator Harmon does not know the answer.


Senator McConchie asks why the bill goes all the way down to 10 gun transfers.


Senator Harmon says he's trying to build support for the bill - that this exempts large dealers. He seems disinterested in discussing larger numbers , saying he doubts it would gain any votes. He then blames the NRA for all the world's problems.

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