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Would a "packed" Leftwing Supreme Court end our legal concealed carry?


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IL was the last state in the nation to have some type of legal concealed carry. We all know that we would never have reached where we are if this was solely in the hands of Democrat politicians that control the state of Illinois. The rulings of the Supreme Court including McDonald vs. City of Chicago forced the state to give us concealed carry, and despite the efforts to limit this status, hundreds of thousands of us have a license now to carry a concealed handgun. But the Democrats have vowed to "pack" the Supreme Court with as many members as needed to ensure that a Leftist majority ends up controlling the Court. Should this occur, there seems little doubt that among the rulings that such a Court would make would be a reversal of the view that the 2nd Amendment is, in fact, an individual right. Does anyone doubt that if the Supreme Court moved in that direction, IL would go back to where we were prior to 2014 and our right to carry would be just a fading memory. This makes it all the more important for us to do whatever we can with our votes and money to make sure that Donald Trump gets to serve another four years, and that the Republicans continue to control the U.S. Senate.

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It is a distinct possibility that a packed leftwing court would end our right to legally carry. We all know that several justices don't believe in the 2nd amendment at all. Any appointed by Biden also would not, and may be happy to take a court case in which they could do our rights much more harm.

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Also, packing the Supreme Court is a great thing to talk about but

it hasn't been done in 150 years.


Its been over 150 years without a major political party heck bent on a radical transformation of the nation, and being led by openly socialist/Marxist believers and willing cohorts. That an AOC or Ilhan Omar can be elected by citizens of the U.S. shows how far this nation has already been transformed. I can forgive well meaning but naive people who voted for Obama, the first time, out of their sense of wanting to right historic wrongs and to virtue signal by electing the first black President. But when he showed his political worldview during his first term, I cannot forgive those that voted for him again. Hilary Clinton no longer holds sway over the Democrats, and not because she is a loser, a nasty person and totally unfit to be a leader, but because she is insufficiently Leftist.


I have little doubt that should Biden/Harris win the White House, and Democrats take over the Senate, our 2nd Amendment will be eliminated as a meaningful protection against the heavy hand of government. Maybe that is what the people of this nation want, despite the sizable number of people who would oppose such a move. Just as many have left Illinois for states where their freedoms are better protected and honored, many Americans might consider leaving should these Democrat radicals take over the country. Where to go, however, is a question that I cannot answer.

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Also, packing the Supreme Court is a great thing to talk about but

it hasn't been done in 150 years.

We also have NEVER had a Dem party shifted as far left, who has shown via actions, not just words, that they will try to keep power, by any means necessary. Not in the 6 decades I've experienced. FDR was stopped, because the press, his party, etc. both saw this as taboo, and strategically stupid. The Press is leading the charge about it, and a LARGE portion of the Dem party are with them, and see nothing wrong with 'changing the rules' to win and KEEP power. It's different today, enough that this IS a legitimate concern. Additionally, today's Dem WANTS a legislating Court, in order to force their progressive ideas on everyone, regardless of votes.

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100 years ago the post-revolution Mexican government re-wrote their constitution, and the split the "Right to Keep and Bear Arms" into two rights:

The right to keep, and the right to bear.

And as of right now, if you are a Mexican citizen, you have the right to beg your government for the privilege of exercising the right to keep by buying an approved firearm at the only firearms store in the nation.

The "right to bear" is now non-existent, it's just weasel words in Mexico unless you are LEO or Military.


Meanwhile their country is run by competing organized crime groups.


Just a cautionary tale...

Mexico had their revolution 50 years after our civil war.

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